the phone

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Jimin was on his phone when he got a message from an unknown user.

Jimin: hmm I'll just text them wrong number.

Jimin sends them wrong number and they reply saying it's the right number and they wanna talk. Jimin asked what they wanted and who they were. They said they are someone he's seen before once in his entire life. The guy wanted to see a picture of Jimin.

Jimin: a picture?... What a creep... Hell no...

Jimin just ignored his text and blocked him and deleted his number all together.

Jimin: ugh... I'm bored... Yoongi where are you?... Ooh wait... He's at work... I'll visit him! I miss him...

Jimin gets ready to go and he has his mom watch the baby in her room.

Jimin: hi I'm here to meet Yoongi.

Lady: well to visitors it's Mr. Min or Min Yoongi...

Jimin: ooh I'm just his wonderful husband Min Jimin!

Lady: ooh... Well he's in his office right now... You can go in...

She rolls her eyes and Jimin ignores her ignorance and goes to Yoongi to see he's working.

Yoongi: knock before entering

Jimin: baby it's me~

Yoongi: ooh hey baby~

Jimin: what are you doing?~

Yoongi: being bored out of my mind until you showed up~

Jimin: well I was bored at home and I wanna be with you~ you know~ I can make your work experience more interesting~ we've never done it in your office before~ Just cover the windows and lock the door~ set the mood real good~

Yoongi: ooh okay baby~ I got all the time in the world anyways~

Jimin sits on his lap and starts to kiss him. He kept making out with him until his secretary walked in without knocking. She saw Jimin and was pissed.

Sana: what?!

Yoongi: ahh knock! Also where did you get a spear key?!

Sana: you have more work to do...

Yoongi: put it on my desk then...

Sana: okay...

Sana "accidentally" slips water on Jimin and he gasps

Yoongi: hey!

Jimin: baby it's okay it was just an accident... I'll go to the washroom...

Jimin gets up from his lap and goes to the washroom. Sana leaves as well but she goes to the washroom and she sees Jimin trying to dry off the water. She sees a guy Walker to Jimin and grope him. She smirks and records it. The guy pulls Jimin and kisses him touching all over his body. He pins him to the wall kissing him all over.

Sana: perfect~

She takes a picture and she posts it online. Yoongi sees this and gets mad. More and more pictures were flooding the internet. Yoongi went to the bathroom but Sana stopped him.

Sana: sir! Jimin is in there and he's having sex with another man! He's being unfaithful!

Yoongi moves her out of the way and sees Jimin about to be raped by a random guy in the bathroom. Yoongi punches the guy in the face and grabs Jimin holding him close to himself.

Yoongi: bitch you're fucking fired!

Sana leaves with her head hung low

Yoongi: ooh my poor baby... Jimin... What did he do to you?...

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