the therapist

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Tae holds Jungkook as he sleeps and he hopes Jungkook will get better

(Next day)

Tae: baby wake up...

Jungkook: hmm?

Jungkook stretches and opens his eyes to Tae looking at him

Jungkook: what time is it?...

Tae: it's 12 pm baby... You have an appointment today at 2 pm you gotta get ready...

Jungkook: okay, thank you baby

Tae: no problem baby...

Jungkook gets ready and is nervous yet hopeful for the doctors appointment. He goes in there and Tae holds his hand, they walk into the office and the lady tells them to sit.

Mrs. Han: so what brings you both here today?

Tae: Hi... Um I'm Kim Taehyung and this is my boyfriend Jeon Jungkook... We're here for him today

Mrs. Han: well hello, I'm Mrs. Han and I will be your therapist Jungkook

She extends her hand out to shake Jungkook hand and he slowly brings his hand out to shake hers.

Mrs. Han: so what do you want to talk about sweetie?

Jungkook: umm... I was a victim of am abusive parent, my father... and I was practically sold to older men to get money... I was ashamed of myself and I was shamed by others... They'd call me horrible names... I tired hurting myself and all that...

Mrs. Han: okay so lets start off with the whole abusive father situation... What did he do to you exactly sweetie?

Jungkook: umm he'd hit me really hard. Umm he'd grope me... He'd slut shame me...

Mrs. Han: do you have any siblings? Your mom what did she do about this?

Jungkook: my mom was being abused by him as well and I have 2 older siblings they were also being abused...

Mrs. Han: I see... So how did you escape from him?

Jungkook: my mom thought to sneak out to a hotel and that's where I met him

Mrs. Han: okay... Now lets talk about the selling you to older men? That's what you said right?

Jungkook: yes... Umm so he'd tell me I'm good for nothing only my body and he started making me hang around and sleep with grown men like older men... He was taking the money I made and using it for I don't even know... But he'd make me feel terrible about not giving him money and stuff and the men were drug dealers... I know they were. They were using me as a toy.... I was scared... I hated it... They would all hold me down and rip off my clothes and make me wear revealing outfits or do inappropriate stuff... They would hurt me and stuff and would try to get me pregnant so they could keep me forever... I was scared... They never got me pregnant though... I was on birth control luckily...

Mrs. Han: so tell me... Did they try to give you the drugs and what exactly did they want from you?

Jungkook: they never gave me the drugs but what they wanted me to do was entertain their other scary friends and stuff... Like be provocative in front of them strip in front of them amd they'd pay me and some would take me to their rooms and have sex with me as their friends watch... They'd make me do all kinds of things and they'd call me a whore and grip my hair tightly if I didn't do what they wanted. They'd pull my hair and push my head to their ya know and tell me to yeah... I was being tossed around like I was well nothing... It was horrible time for me and I was so depressed I thought of self harm. I tried to do it but the guys would catch me in the catch and cuff me to a bed and beat me... I was never covered in bruises by them though... Their beating didn't hurt probably because they didn't wsnt my dad to see me bruised, they thought they'd get into trouble but by dad could care less about me he just wanted my money... I was scared...

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