just why? why do you want him?

17 2 0

Namjoon: the fuck?

Namjoon holds Jinnie closer and pulls out a gun and points it to them. Then another guy came from their closet and another from under their bed.

Namjoon: how many is there of you guys?! You can't have my baby!

???: strike...

Some men held Namjoon back as a few of them grabbed Jinnie who was screaming and crying. They were taking him to the window

Jinnie: daddy! Help me!

Namjoon: let go of me!

They let go of him and they go out the window and Namjoon follows them.

(With Taekook)

Tae was holding Jungkook not letting him go until Tae spotted movement in their closet

Tae: who's there?!

Suddenly a bunch of guys come out of no where confusing Tae and he's held down while some guys grab Jungkook

Jungkook: let me go! Tae!

Tae: leave him alone! Let me go!

He was squirming around bit the guys held down his arms and legs so he can't get out of their grasp. One of the guys grip of his ankle was so tight it hurt

Tae: let go of me! Now!

A guy steps up and points a gun to his belly

???: we took him to kill him... He will be dead in 5 minutes when I get there... We kidnapped his siblings as well. We apprehended your friends to prevent them from saving them. I will kill you... I will kill your friends as well...

The guy pulls Taes shirt up and points the gun inside his belly button

Tae: you wouldn't dare lay a finger on my baby! I'll kill you myself!

???: ha! How can you?! You're the screwed one here! You throwing death threats and you know damn well who has a dog in this fight!

Tae knew he was helpless... He didn't wanna loose Kookie. His baby, he everything. He was scared at this point as he has no clue on what to do

???: well... I can't say I wanna kill you so quickly...

Tae: what the fuck do you want?...

???: you...

Tae: what?!

???: you're hot! I wanna be... Under you!

Tae: hell the fuck no!

???: well guess who has the upperhand here! Not you!

The guy traces his finger along Taes abs and he says

???: Killing that slut will get him out of the way so I can have you~

Tae: my babies no slut! You are!

???: now you're just ticking me off! Have sex with me amd I'll maybe still kill him but I might just torture him only leaving him badly hurt and injured so that way you can leave him amd be with me! Deal?~

Tae: horrible deal! No!

???: why is it bad?! You're only with him for his body just admit it!

Tae: I'm not!

??? Yes you are~

Tae: you fucking stupid ass bitch! No the fuck I'm not you dumb ass cunt!

???: wow! Kim Taehyung! You really insulted me huh?! Wow... The disrespect is real!

the little one's (Namjin, Yoonmin, Taekook) Where stories live. Discover now