dream? or not?

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Ms. Park was more than devastated when she found out her baby had died. She was heart broken. She could not believe it. She could still hear his sweet voice.

Jin:I don't believe it... I can't believe it...

Jimin: what are we gonna do?... This seems like a really bad dream...

Jin: my baby brother...

Ms. Park was breaking down in tears again.

Ms. Park: my baby!

Jin: I'm so sorry mom... We all miss him severely...

Ms. Park: I-I can't take it! He gone! He's just gone!

Jin: he will always be remembered mom...

Ms. Park: I want my baby back!

(With Jungkook)

Jungkook: where am I?...

Tae: baby... We're dead...

Jungkook: what?... What about my siblings and mom?! How do I get back?!

Tae: you can't...

Jungkook: I-I

Tae pulled him into a kiss

Tae: we're stuck on Earth, we have unfinished business

Jungkook: what?!

Tae: umm well we both can't really accept death no matter how hard we try... It hurts the ones who love us... Your mom... I've seen her... She can't take it

Jungkook: I wanna see her!

Tae: okay...

Tae walked through a wall

Tae: baby you coming?

Jungkook: o-okay...

Tae took him to the house and he hurt seeing his mom and siblings all crying. He hugged his mom.

Jungkook: mamma I'm right here!

Ma. Park: it's like I can hear his voice...

Jungkook: mamma!...

He starts crying and he knows they can't see him

Jungkook: Tae!

Tae: yeah?...

Jungkook: where are our bodies?!

Tae: the place they keep the dead people in the hospitals...

Jungkook: let's go!

Tae: okay...

They go to the hospital and they find their bodies.

Jungkook: this is disturbing on so many levels... How long have we been dead for?...

Tae: umm a day

Jungkook: Jesus... How do we go back in?...

Tae: easy just lay down

Jungkook: umm... O-okay...

They go back into their bodies.

Jungkook: hello? Tae?

Tae: baby I'm in the one next to you... They lock them.

Jungkook: ooh no... I'm claustrophobic! This isn't good! I'mma going to start hyperventilating! Help! Help!

A janitor heard Jungkook screaming for help. He unlocks the door.

Jungkook: sir!

The janitor was confused

the little one's (Namjin, Yoonmin, Taekook) Where stories live. Discover now