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Jimin was casually singing a song. Yoongi was out and he was bored so he took a shower and was in his towel dancing singing to a song.

Jimin: I've been here all night, I've been here all day and boy, got me walkin side to side

Yoongi came back home and saw Jimin dancing and singing in a towel and he was surprised by his voice and turned on by the way he was dancing. He went over to him and hugged him.

Jimin: ooh hi baby!

Yoongi kissed him to distract him so he can take off his towel. It was working. Yoongi got off his towel, Jimin didn't notice until he saw himself in the mirror.

Jimin: Yoongi!

Yoongi: what?~ you look good like this~ be like this from now on~

Jimin: hmm~ okay~ I'll just go out in public like this so all the guys can stare at me and want me so badly~

Yoongi: never mind... Damn you Jimin...

Jimin: hehe~ lemme go change~ I wanna hang out with my siblings~ go hang out with your friends

Yoongi: okay baby~ don't wear anything to revealing...

Jimin: ooh baby all my clothes are revealing~

Yoongi: well less revealing to you...

Jimin: less revealing to me is cropped top with jeans

Yoongi: okay.. Wait.. How cropped?...

Jimin: hmm up to here~

Jimin pointed to above his belly button. He was pointing to his mid section.

Yoongi: ooh...

Jimin: what's wrong love?...

Yoongi: nothing baby, go have fun!

Jimin: okay thanks!

Jimin changes. He sees one of Yoongi's shirt and thinks to add it to his outfit. He wears a white cropped shirt and wears Yoongi's shirt over it but it's unbuttoned. He wears jeans as well.

Jimin: I'm ready go to baby! Bye!

Yoongi: bye my love

Yoongi sees his outfit and smiles.

Yoongi: he's wearing my shirt~

Jimin: hi guys!

Jungkook: Heyy Chim!

Jin: hi Jimin!

Jimin: soo why did y'all wanna meet up?

Jungkook: well for starters look!!

Jungkook showed his ring finger and showed off his band.

Jin: aww congrats Kook!

Jimin: aww that's so nice! It's the band you've always wanted!

Jungkook: yeah, he proposed two days ago!

Jimin: cool!

Jin: yeah! When will my Joonie propose to me?

Jimin: soon hyung! He loves you so much he might as well do it!

Jin: yeah I guess you're right...

Jungkook: but I must say Jimin your choice of fashion is quiet nice~

Jin: yeah is that Yoongi's shirt?

Jimin: yeah it is! Isn't it nice with my outfit? See I know fashion. I'm a fashion icon ofc.~

Jin: hmm show off your outfit Chim!~

Jungkook: yeah!~

Jimin stands up and shows off his outfit.

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