the ex (Jin pov)

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I was in college and this boy asked me out and I was happy to have my first boyfriend. We had fun together and stuff. He seemed nice but a little to possessed but I liked it. He was very touchy though and I never thought he'd be with me for my body but I was wrong. It wasn't like I hated being touched but when it wasn't wanted or consensual it's not as nice... I was happy with him but I don't miss him anymore...

Jin: hey babe~

I saw him sitting with his friends and he looked at him and he randomly pulled me by the waist and bit my belly button in front of his friends it was emmbarressing and so random. It hurt A lot and when he stopped he looked at my belly button and smirked.

Jin: what was that for?...

Evan: to show how much I love you baby~

I was so blinded by him I didn't realise he was just saying that to make me stay with him. Jungkook saw my belly button and said it was bleeding and I looked down and indeed it was and I was annoyed.

Jungkook: who did it?

Jin: ooh my boyfriend...

Jungkook: he's hurting you?...

Jin: well it was on accident...

Jungkook: hmm okay... What ever you say hyung...

I have been dating him for about a year. He would do things that made me start to fall out of love with him.

Evan: baby~

Jin: yes?...

Evan: I want you~

Jin: o-okay...

Evan smirks and pins me to the bed in Evans room and he was kissing me roughly. I didn't enjoy it. He was touching me all over but I felt as if I had to because I was in a relationship with him. He felt as if I needed to obey him... I felt disgusted

Jin: c-can you stop touching me... I wanna do my homework... That is why I came over...

Evan slides his hand up my shirt and pulls me closer to him and he suddenly inserts his finger in my belly button and he had something sharp and small in his hand because it hurt a lot. He was forcing his finger deep in my belly button and it hurt so much I was starting to cry

Jin: o-okay! I'm sorry!

Evan smirked and smiled

Evan: remember you only belong to me~

(Next day)

I saw him with his friends and I tried to avaiod him until I heard one of his friends say I think trying to sound quiet but I heard him.

Guy: isn't that your slutty sex toy?

Evan: ooh it is~ baby come here!~

I didn't turn around and kept walking but Evan grabbed my wrist super tightly and it was during lunch and I didn't want attention but luckily Jimin and Jungkook were there.

Jimin: hey back off you prick!

Evans friends were hitting on Jimin and Jungkook and I was upset and I did something I would regret later. I slapped him across his face and yelled

Jin: I'm breaking up with you!

Jimin: lets go guys...

Both Jimin and Jungkook grabbed my hand and walked me out of the canteen and we went into the library and sat at one of the tables and I was crying. Not because I loved him but because I was scared of what he would do.

Jimin: hyung it's okay...

Jin: it's not! It's not... I feel like he's gonna hurt me...

Jimin: he's not...

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