Media Day ~~Marshawn Lynch

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You stood to the side of the podium and watched in hilarity as your all-pro running back boyfriend continued to frustrate the members of the national media for the second consecutive day. Your name is (Y/N), and you had been dating Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch for the past two years. At this very moment he's sitting back with a look upon his face that you knew all too well. He was getting irritated with the reporters constantly asking him questions that he didn't care to answer. The media always made such a big deal about him not wanting to speak, but they never really asked him about things he honestly cared about. It seemed to you and him like they would rather publish things that showed him in a negative light as opposed to something he should get praised for. Just as that thought flitted out of your head, Marshawn stood up from the podium and walked towards you so y'all could leave. You grabbed his hand as you two walked and you could still sense his frustration even though he would never admit to you that he was bothered. Marshawn shoved his hands into his pockets and slightly rocked back and forward on his heels as y'all waited for your driver to bring the car around to the front of the building. You knew he was in a bad position right now because he really didn't want to do the media day circuit, but if he didn't this time he was going to be heavily fined, not that he cared much. You reached over and fished his right hand out of his pocket and turned to look at him as he looked questionably at you. "You can relax now babe, we're away from all of that craziness in there. Look Shawn, I know you don't want to be here and have to deal with all of these camera and everything, but just try to make it through these next few days and all of this will be over." For the first time since you two had arrived to media day that morning, he gave a genuine smile and hugged you as the car pulled up. After getting into the car he just stared at you before you got self-conscious. "What are you looking at," you asked shyly tucking your hair behind your ear. He gave you another smile and began talking. "Look (Y/N), I know I don't say this as much as I should, but I really appreciate you being here for me, and I love you." You couldn't hide the smile that was continuously growing on your face, "I'll be here as long as you want me Shawn, and I love you too."

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