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Hi everybody, I know you're probably wondering where all of your imagines are that you requested, well I promise I haven't forgotten about them. I've been having some health complications, apparently I have this thing called unstable angina where my heart pretty much feels like someone is driving a knife through it and just slashing while my arm goes numb and I can't breathe. I've been told that there really isn't anything that can be done about it because it is not known what causes it, and it can happen at any given time without warning even when I feel fine. Pretty much I can be having a mild to severe panic attack or a mini heart attack and not know it until the pain gets really bad. I'm on medication right now which prohibits me from doing even the simplest things like walking to the kitchen. All I really can do is sleep because it tires me out.

Anyhoots though, I just wanted to let you all know why it's taken forever for me to update. Being sick sucks :-(

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