Give me your ideas (Not a Chapter)

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Alright of you read my latest chapter you know that NATO has decided to invade The Saderan Empire after Zorzal dropped the peace agreements.

So since NATO is invading the Empire I need even crazier ideas.

Should Lelei and other Magic user's creat an extremely large Gate to the point that the US Navy can fit through it and also enter the New World?

Should the Saderan Empire (Zorzal's side) get help from another nation that isn't in the content of Falmart?

How long do you want the War to last?

Should NATO invade other cities in the Empire?

Should the US and NATO use Guerilla Warfare on the Saderan's?

Should I replace the bad country from Russian to China?

Should I let Russia become a good country and allie themselves with NATO and the US by overthrowing President Zyuganov and entering the Gate?

Place your other ideas into the comments and I'll find my favorite one

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