Chapter 32: A New Enemy

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September 1st

Washington DC

The United States of America

Mike, Millie, and the three girls found themselves back in the heart of Washington D.C., the city that held a multitude of memories for them.

Each of the girls was adorned in distinctive clothing, meticulously chosen by Millie herself.

The careful selection showcased Millie's attention to detail and her desire to ensure that the girls felt comfortable and confident.

Mike and Millie, on the other hand, donned their respective dress uniforms with pride.

The uniforms not only symbolized their roles but also exuded a sense of honor and duty they held towards their country.

Their presence had been requisitioned for an exceedingly clandestine meeting.

The summons had come from the highest echelons of power, including the President and other esteemed government officials.

This gathering promised discussions of the utmost gravity.

Their itinerary began with a visit to the venerable White House, where they were to confer with the President.

The discourse extended for an hour, delving into the minutiae of matters of national significance.

After this prolonged exchange, the President, together with Mike and Millie, would proceed to the formidable Pentagon.

Amidst the labyrinthine corridors of power, a question arose.

Millie, her voice laden with genuine curiosity, inquired of her commanding officer.

"Captain, could you elucidate the purpose of my presence once more?" The situation perplexed her, leaving her seeking clarity on her role.

Mike met her query with a calm demeanor, unruffled by her inquiry.

"My intent, sergeant, is to ensure you're well-being in Akusho. You're reputation for combating criminal elements within the district precedes you, a feat that certainly garners my commendation. However, there's a challenge posed by Colonel William that you've yet to surmount."

"Furthermore, the government specified the need to be accompanied by an individual of exceptional reliability and distinction. While I initially contemplated Foley for the role, circumstances dictate his assumption of leadership over the Team. Thus, the mantle falls to you."

Millie's response held a mixture of understanding and affirmation, encapsulated by her quiet acquiescence.

She nodded, her gaze averted, a faint blush gracing her cheeks in response to the prospect Mike had presented.

A melodious declaration resonated through the air as Mike's composed voice proclaimed.

"Ladies, our transportation awaits."

The anticipation culminated in the appearance of a sleek limousine, ready to convey them to their destination.

The anticipation culminated in the appearance of a sleek limousine, ready to convey them to their destination

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