Chapter 21: Capture of Bellnahgo

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An Hour Later


"Deabis has fallen ladies and gentlemen." Tate announced in Italica, which of course shocked everyone.

"Deabis had fallen already?!" A Noble said in shock.

"This type of siege would take days to complete, yet they completed it just like that?!" Another Noble said.

"My god, I don't think Zorzal would last in this war." Emperor Molt said quite calmly.

Outside of the city many Knights from the Rose Order were shouting the news around while on horse back.

"Deabis has fallen victory to the 'Russians'!" A Knight shouted.

"Deabis has fallen already?! Just who are these 'Russians'?" A Saderan Soldier said

Whilst the other troops that sided with the Americans are also shocked and mumbling word's to each other and are questioning who the Americans friends are.


Another Hour Later


Russian reinforcement's arrived within after the capture of the city and are now cuffing up Imperial soldier's and sweeping the city for resistance.

"Comrade Colonel." The Russian Sergeant said to Colonel Mikhail of the 136th Motorized Rifle Brigade who was staring at the City.

"Report." Colonel Mikhail said.

"The city's defenses were quite weaker than we anticipated, it seems that most of the troops of the Empire were simply sent over to the city Telta, leaving some of the other cities defenses in the Empire basically weak and vulnerable for attack." The Russian Sergeant replied.

"So that bastard Zorzal's going this far then? Well I can definitely see that he's weak, idiotic, incompetent and a terrible ruler to say the least." Colonel Mikhail said.

"What are the reports?" Colonel Mikhail asked the Sergeant.

"Nothing must just some bombing's from the Americans bombers and a few skirmishes with bandits and monsters." The Russian Sergeant replied.

"I see well the Americans are definitely learning their lesson from Vietnam, we should also learn our mistakes from Afghanistan and Syria." Colonel Mikhail said

"How does it feel to work with an old enemy Comrade Colonel?" The Russian Sergeant asked.

"Very interesting to say the least, but I'm glad we're setting aside our difference's and banding together to fight a common enemy, just like the old times of the Great Patriotic War of the 1940's." Colonel Mikhail said, whilst a squadron of Su-30's fly by above the City.


Fort Alnus

4:00 AM Falmart Time

Fort Alnus once American Military base filled with 200,000 American Marines.

Well... not anymore.

Now it's filled with 200,000 Canadian Soldier's.

200,000 British Soldier's.

200,000 German Soldier's.

200,000 French Soldiers.

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