Chapter 42: A Sudden Revelation

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Hours before...

Back with the CH-53E Super Stallion team, they had finally made it to the vicinity of Cnappnuy after a long and arduous journey.

The massive helicopter soared through the skies above the thick clouds, gradually descending toward their destination.

"Sir Ramirez, it's all white outside the window again," Piña remarked, peering through the glass.

"That's because we're nearing Cnappnuy, so we're descending down," Mike responded.

The CH-53E Super Stallion pressed forward, venturing out of the dense cloud cover.

Captain Jones and Taylor, navigated the aircraft cautiously through the skies.

"How far are we from the bottom?" Jones inquired, focusing intently on the surroundings.

"Keep your eyes peeled," Taylor advised, their attention fixed on the task at hand.

"We'll rely on the topographic map we created to guide us through this region." Taylor told Jones, also watching the surroundings.

The Super Stallion continued its course through the clouds, making steady progress.

Eventually, the helicopter emerged from the misty veil, revealing the awe-inspiring sight of Cnappnuy spread out below.

Eventually, the helicopter emerged from the misty veil, revealing the awe-inspiring sight of Cnappnuy spread out below

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"WOAH!" Jones exclaimed, caught off guard by the breathtaking view that unfolded before them.

As the Super Stallion glided over the rugged canyons and imposing terrain of the area, Mitchell and Wilson noticed something peculiar on the ground.

"What's that?" Wilson questioned, pointing eagerly at the intriguing sight.

Intrigued, Michelle followed his gaze, her eyes widening as she beheld a radiant light emanating from a nearby cave.

The brilliance of the light was so intense that it resembled the combined glow of several billion flashlights switched on simultaneously.

Lelei, who happened to be positioned near the entrance of the CH-53E, promptly signaled Mike to take notice of the phenomenon.

Mike, intrigued by the commotion, made his way to the door and inquired

"What's wrong?" Mike asked the helicopter pilots.

"It's a bright light. Let's land in a nearby ravine to investigate its source," Taylor proposed, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and caution.

"I'll leave that to both of you," Mike responded, returning to his seat, placing his trust in the capable hands of the pilots.

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