Chapter Two

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I open my car door and step out on to the pavement of hell. Also known as high school.

The wind was blowing lazily, as if it wasn't feeling quite up to it today. The sun was just deciding to come up over the edge of the world, creating a beautiful yet eery look to everything around me. The birds were chirping happily, as if nothing could ever ruin their day. There were only a few kids walking around the school, having nothing better to do then come to school early, or maybe they had detention, like I did.

With a huff, I moved toward the front doors to start my last Friday morning with detention. Every step closer to the doors sent another shiver of dissapointment that the school still gave detention on the last day of school. But in the morning, instead of after school.

The teachers hated me. The only person who bothered to give me detention anymore was Mr. Pearson. My best friend, if you didn't count Aiden, Avery's boyfriend, and my childhood friend, was Avery Woodrows, also a trouble maker. The only difference between me and her was she never got caught and was a teachers pet. That's where detention came in for me. I didn't mind though. I usually had fun in detention.
Zeal High school was huge. It was tall and bulky, so it could fit every single kid. There were over a thousand students and plenty of teachers that hated all of us students.

I opened one of the many front doors and walked in to the large building, going straight to Mr. Pearson's room which was just around the corner.
His desk was in a corner with him sitting in it. His eyes were trained on his computer screen, unmoving.
Mr. Pearson had dark brown, army cut hair, dull blue eyes, and he was probably in his mid twenties. He could probably look younger if he wasn't my teacher, or a highschool teacher for that matter.
"Hey, Mr. Pearson. What's up?" I asked casually as I sat myself in the spot closest to him in the front of the classroom. Anyone who knows him and his detention class knows he won't be staying in his desk, and that he will be going towards the back of the class where all the kids usually sat.

Just as another student walked in, he spoke up, looking away from the computer screen. "Hey, Emma. What did you do this time?" Mr. Pearson asked, smoothing down his angry lines and shaping them in to more disapproving ones.

"I got in a fight with the wrestling captain. I gave him two black eyes and a broken nose. He should be here this morning, too. He started the fight in the first place." I explained. Mr. Pearson nodded.

"What did Zack do?" He asked.
"He said some pretty bad stuff about Avery. I even warned him-" someone cleared their throat behind me, in the back of the classroom. I turned to see Zach sitting there. His nose had gauze over it and his eyes had purple looking spots under them.
I gave him a "Whatever. I don't like you" look and turn back to Mr. Pearson.

"Anyway, I warned Zach that if he talked about my friends or myself the way he was again, he would get a broken face. I warned him. But I was leniant. I only broke his nose. Didn't want to ruin his makeup." I say, smiling to myself.

Zach huffed behind me. I pulled a book out of my bag and started reading. It usually made time go by faster. I could already tell today wasn't one of those fun days in detention.
Six more kids came in to the room after Zach, but that was it. It really wasn't a lot for such a large school.
Before I knew it, the bell rang. I stood up, waved bye to Mr. Pearson who was in the back of the class room where everyone else was sitting, and walked out and ran straight in to someone.
The person's books went flying and my bag which had been clutched in my hand seconds ago fell to the floor. "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" The girl said.
I scooped my bag up from the floor and helped the girl with her fallen stuff. The halls were bustling with activity and teenagers were throwing footballs or sliding textbooks along the floor. No one cared anymore. It was the last day of school.
"Oh, hey, aren't you Emma?" The girl asks. I looked at her for the first time. She was slightly shorter then me and had bright blond hair. Her eyes were a sharp brown with little specks of gold in them and her nose looked slightly pointed. She was pretty.
"What?" I say. The girl laughs. Her brilliant white teeth almost blind me
"I'm Chloe. You're Emma, right? John Feara's daughter. He owns all those hotels and is super popular in business. Your his daughter, right?" She asks again, and holds out her free hand.
"Yeah." I answer as I shake her outstretched hand.
"My dad is in business. He owns his own company. Anyway, do you think you could help me out with something?"

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