Chapter Eleven

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After I had left Wills room, I found Avery. I told her that I had found Rylie. She didn't exactly believe me, but she went with me to wake up Aiden and tell him my plan and that we had to leave in the morning. Aiden had answered with a heavy sigh, yawned, and said he would be ready by morning. Then shut his door in my face, after Ross, his room mate, threw a pillow at me.

I went to my room after teleporting Avery back to her own bed, feeling lonely and bummed out. Will wasn't able to go with, why wouldn't I feel bummed? And why wouldn't he go with? So what, this is his home? What has he got here? What happened to home is where family is? His family is Rylie, and he told me himself that he loved her like he would his mom. So what the heck is he doing, thinking that he wants to stay here when Rylie isn't coming back?

With a silent scream, I picked up a pillow with Telekinesis and threw it at the connecting door between Wills and my room. It hit the door with a low thud, making the door shake on its hinges. I prayed that it woke Will up and that he was angry. I so badly wanted him to be angry. I wanted him to feel like I did, angry and mad and dissapointed and confused. I threw the pillow again, with Telekinesis. Next thing I knew, I was throwing pillows with both my hands and mind. Pillow after poor, innocent pillow.

My plan worked. My door slammed open. Will was on the other end, with ruffled hair and tired eyes. He practically had steam coming out of his ears.

"Will you please knock next time? I was just about to change in to my pj's." I gave an innocent look his way as I shuffled through my clothes, hanging in the closet, pretending to look for pajamas.

"All the more reason not to knock." He said in his usual sarcastic voice, except with a tint of anger. "What do you want?"

"Nothing. Why do you ask?" I shrugged my shoulders, passing the last piece of clothing on the rack. I went to the drawers to shuffle through them.

Will took a step closer to my closet. "You knocked on my door. I get the feeling you're not so happy." He took another large, Will sized step. He was just outside the closet now.

"I didn't knock on your door." I sighed, and closed the drawer with an oversized t-shirt in hand.

"Yes, you did. I heard it. Tell me what you want." He demanded.

I just rolled my eyes and went in to the bathroom to change. "Why are you so obsessed with me?" I asked a fair question as I stripped off my clothes and hurriedly put on my pjs.
I stepped out, ready to force him out of my room if I had to, I needed sleep.
But when I stepped out, I realized he needed to talk. He was serious.

"What are those?" He asked, looking at my bare arms. I looked at my tanktop and pajama pants, regretting not wearing something with longer sleeves.

"I just wrote on my arms. No big deal." I waved it off nonchalantly, and prayed he wouldn't ask to look at my scars. I wasn't ready to face what he did to me.

"Will?" He was silent.


"What do you want?" I asked, changing the subject.

I walked over to my bed and ripped the covers back.

"I wanted to tell you I'll go with. It was stupid of me to think I couldn't."

"Why did you think that?" I asked, sitting on my bed.

"It felt wrong. I tried to come up with a really good excuse, but nothing besides the fact that this is my home came to mind."

"You couldn't come because this is your home? Or because your afraid of losing your home?"

"I'm afraid of losing everything!" He cried out. He let out a sigh and ran his hands through his damp, dark hair.

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