Chapter Three

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"What do you mean, 'What happened'?" Avery said, as if my question was so stupid. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. All I know was my brain hurt. Really bad.

"What happened? Can you elaborate for me please? What's going on, Avery?" I practically begged.

She looked worried now. I felt worried. I felt like I had no one in the world. I felt... horrible. My best friend couldn't tell me what was going on. She was acting like we were playing 20 questions and it was pretty annoying.

"Well," Avery started. "It's complicated. You see-"
She stopped midsentence with a look of utter relief and turned towards the door just as a guy appeared. He was tall, skinny, and muscular all at the same time, probably 17 or 18. He had short curly blond hair. He walked with a small limp and had a scar going down one cheek from his hair line down to the chin, just missing his lips and eyes.

"Hey." He said. "So this is the patient?" He had a strong, deep voice. A light one that didn't have much emotion in it. He came forward as Avery nodded. His eyes focused on me. He held out his hand for me to shake and said, "I'm Luck."

I was curious about the name. I had to ask. "Were you born with that name?" I asked.

He shook his head no and gave me a look telling me it wasn't open for conversation. And dropped his hand.
"What hurts worse?" He asked.
"Excuse me?" I questioned.
"Which injury hurts worse?" Luck repeated.

"Um... my ribs. They're broken and they ain't happy." I said. They actually didn't hurt so bad. For some reason, the pain seemed to be subsiding. In fact, it was almost... gone. "Why?"

"I need to fix it." He reached forward, right where my rib cage was.

"What?" I stuttered.

"Trust me." Avery said. I looked at her and she nodded.

"What are you going to do?" his hand was still outstretched for him to... do whatever he wants to do.
"I'm going to fix you."

"How?" I asked.

"How do you ask so many questions?" He said.

Without warning, he touched my ribcage and an explosion of iciness went through my whole upper body. It took only two seconds, but didn't feel so special or anything. Just cold.
When he pulled his hand away, the pain was completly gone, even though it had been already diminishing before and Luck had a confused face on.
"What?" Avery asked him, not so much as a question, but in confusion.

"What?" I repeated, in a more scared-little-girl voice.

"She was already pretty much healed." Luck said. "Something... either went extremely right, or we were extremely wrong and this hospital needs a new staff."

"How is that possible?" Avery said.

"How is what possible?" I said in utter frustration.

They seemed oblivious to me at all. Like I wasn't even in the room.

"She was already healed. I didn't need to come in here at all." Luck said.

"I saw the scrapes and bruises. And... X-rays. She was sick, hurt, bad. She should've needed another month and a half minimum to heal. Maybe she's like you..." Avery said.
"No." He said. "If she had the surge thing because of her age and no experience, everyone in the hospital with a broken or bruised something would be completly healed. And you need loads of experience to be able to heal yourself. It already takes time for me to do it, hence the limp."

"You're right. Its impossible."

"Back to the original question!" I said. "What the heck is going on here?"

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