Chapter Seven

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"Emma!" I heared it. Through the darkness, and the nothingness.

Funny, I thought. I thought Death was supposed to be peaceful, and calm. Not painful.

"Emma, wake up! It's just a dream." I heard it again. That voice. It had no sound to tell me who it was, but I heard it clearly. It's oddly comforting. "Emma, please wake up."

I opened my eyes. It didn't change anything. It's still dark.

"Will?" I asked. My voice was raspy, cracked. My face felt wet and cold.
There he was. His hands were on my shoulders. I could barely make out his face in the darkness.

"What happened?" I asked him quietly.
"You were screaming, kicking and crying. You pack quite a punch."

I noticed he was on top of me, pinning me down on the bed.

My face turns beat red as he slowly climbs off of me. "I had to wake you up, and you were scratching and punching..." He explained sheepishly.

I sat up as my eyes adjust to the darkness of the room. "I know." I pulled my knees to my chest and cradled them with my arms.

"What was it about?" He asked.

"What?" I said, feigning ignorance.

"The dream." He said softly. He sat down on my bed, right next to me and puts an arm around my shoulder.
"My dad... my mom came in here last night..." I trailed off.

Why do I feel so much like I can trust him? Why do I somehow end up thinking about him in my sparetime?

Why do I feel like he is so close to me, like I've known him for years, when we met three days ago?

Why does he feel like such a confident? Like he will take all the pain I've ever felt and put it in himself, so willingly? Like I would do the same for him?

"Last night my mom came in here and told me she thinks my dad is a traitor." I said.

"That's what the dream was about? Well, I'd say you'd be lucky if those were your worst dreams. But I'm guessing there's more to it."

"That wasn't a dream. She actually came in here and told me that. Then I had a dream that my dad was chasing me. He found me, mocked me. Told me that he was going to bring me to Rownan, then he struck my with a knife." I put my hands to my abdomen where I had felt the pain. Where he had hit me with the knife. It felt so real...

"I'm so sorry." He said.

"Why do people say that?" I asked. "When my mom left, all anyone ever said was 'I'm sorry about your mother,' or 'I'm so sorry about your wife.' To dad. It's not like it's their fault. Some people have had worse. I wasn't the one who needed the condolences, or the sorrys."

Will rubbed my back trying to calm me down. I realize tears were silently falling from my face. "It was so real." I whimpered, feeling pathetic. "So real."

All of a sudden, everything from the past week crashed on me. The pain from the stairs, the confusion of this strange world, the pain from a stupid dream, the confusion from a guy...

"It wasn't." Will promised me, as I leaned against his chest. "It was never real. It will never be real. It's alright."

I sit up, drying my eyes. I didn't need to be a baby. There were bigger things to take care of.
"What time is it?" I asked, getting annoyed at not having a clock.

"It's around four in the morning." He answered.

I nod like I was expecting it to be four in the morning.

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