A Mothers Love

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I sit with my face in my hands, at my desk, in my office. Me and Archie's daughter down the hall, She's 16. It's been a lot since Archie passed. Archie passed away three weeks ago, and it's hard.

I take a deep breath looking up, putting my hands together, on the side of my face. He passed away from an incident at work. He had went up on a building, it was pouring down rain, so it was slippery, He took a step back, his foot slipped and fell 25 stories, hit the pavement, broke his neck and his back, which paralyzed him, and he was pretty much diagnosed as a vegetable, He would no longer be able to walk, talk, move- at all, He wouldn't be able to breathe on his own, and I waited for 3 1/2 weeks for something, him to move, Him to talk, But I got nothing, a d the doctor said if he makes no progress by Friday at the begining of week three he was gonna pull the plug. And I didn't want him to make that call, So I did. I hear a soft knock on the doorframe.

"Mom." I hear softly.

"What, Baby?" I sniff. I don't look at her, I just keep looking out the window, which leads directly to Bee's window, The curtain is closed, and it's a modern grey, It's sher so I can see through it lightly.

"What's for dinner?" She asks with a sniff. We've been distant since Archie pasted away, She resents me, Because I chose to pull the plug. If she doesn't have to look at me, she won't, Sometimes, if we're in the same room she'll get up and go to her room. We barley used to get along as it was, She was always a daddies girl, and I adored that. Anything Archie did- She did, Anywhere he went- She followed. "Daddy this" "Daddy that" "Dad" "Dad can we do this" and if she was in trouble with me, Archie figured to get her out of it. 'Cause she was his little girl, His "Princess"

"Um- I'm not sure, what do you want, Gabi?" I ask her softly. As I turn to look at her, and she looks down. As a tear rolls down my cheek. I let it roll, I'm at the point where I don't care if she sees me cry, It's not like she'll look at me. I'm also not gonna sit here and tell her everything is gonna be okay, As much as she'd like to hear those words- As much as I'd like to hear the words, the worst part of grief is you hear those words you'll never accept the fact that their gone. You will forever expect them to come back. You will forever be in the first stage forever. Denial and Depression is usually the hardest, and the worst. You're never going to get them back, Their gone. You have memories, but they are gone. They aren't coming back, and the faster someone accepts it, makes grieving easier.

"Can you make dinner?" She asks. I raise my brows looking down, As I lick my lips. She lets out a soft sob. She hasn't asked me to cook or make anything.

"You want me to make dinner? What do you want me to make?" I ask. Archie always said make dinner, Not cook dinner, Which I always made fun of. I have always thought it was funny, and Gabi grew up around him saying "Baby, what are you making for dinner?" "Ronnie, what time are you making dinner?" So, now she says it, which I like.

"Chicken and Steak Fajita's." She states, with a sniffle. I close my eyes as I let out a sob, Trying to hold it back, Makes it louder and worse. I close my eyes and turn my head as tears roll down my cheeks.

"You want Chicken and Steak Fajita's?" I ask.

"Yeah, we haven't had them since the day before-" She says and cuts herself off. I nod. As I look at her, to see her looking at me, As my eyes meet hers. Her eyes are glossy, and her cheeks have tears stains on them. Her brunette hair pulled up in a pony tail, and she has on a Baggy Sweater, Shorts, long white Nike socks, and her phone sits in her hand. She has dark brown eyes that matches Archie's, my olive toned skin, a button nose, and light freckles, they lie around her face, Her eyebrows look exactly like Archies, Her attitude is all me, But her heart is all Archie. She's 5 foot so 2 inches shorter than me.

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