She Was A Good Dog

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Veronica was 26. She and her Boyfriend of 4 years Reginald Mantle, lived together in a beautiful home, with a dog named Lady. She was a Golden Cavalier. Reggie was the reason they got her- But she ended up being Veronica's dog. Because, She is the one who even takes care of her at all. Overtime, Lady became Veronica's baby. Veronica didn't care for dogs when they first met. But, overtime Lady took Veronica's heart. Lady is the first one to greet her when she walks in the door. She barley moves a muscle for Reggie. Lady learnt the sounds of their cars- So, that she does know when Veronica gets home- She gets all excited and spins in circles jumping at the door. She even knows a handle full of tricks, Sit, Lay down, Shake, High five, Beg, Speak, Roll over, Up high. Which Veronica has taught her- herself.

Veronica had a stressful weekend trip for work- and which she never looks forward to going her house. She wouldn't call it home. Doesn't feel that way. She stepped inside, and just as she suspected Reggie sat on the couch, he was lied down. He had an empty pizza box on the island, a half full one on the coffee table, Reggie had half full and empty beer cans and bottles all over. He had cigarette butts on the coffee table. With the ash tray full. It literally overfilled. It reeked of Alcohol, Smoke and Weed in the house. If you would have told her this is what their relationship looked like two years in, she never would have got with him. When she met him- He was a recovered Alcoholic and Drug Addict. He worked as a cop- Which was how they met- she was speeding a 25 on a 15 and he pulled her over. Anyway, Reggie got the smell of Weed doing a drug bust. He relapsed and lost his job, after he lost his job- He just gave up. She set her purse down. As Lady stood on her two hind legs leaning on Veronica's legs whining, while wagging her tail.

"Hi, Lady- Hi, baby." Veronica spoke softly. And walked into the kitchen where there were dirty dishes over filling the sink where some sat on the counter beside it. She sighed and looked around, she filled a dirty glass which Reggie had put liquor in, and she fill it with water. She walked into the living room, while Lady still tried to get the love from Veronica. Veronica walked inside the living room and stood about a foot away from Reggie. She looked at him and sighed as he slept passed out, holding the glass of water.

"Reggie." She called out for him to wake up. That was his only chance. And which he didn't wake up. She threw the water inside the glass letting it fall into his face. He shot up blinking fast and wiping his face off looking around Veronica.

"What the hell!?" He shouted. He looked at Veronica and froze, realizing he never cleaned the house. He was still wiping off water off his face, as she started to speak.

"Clean up the house. Because, I'm not doing it." She tells him. He nodded.
"I mean it okay. I have to go pay the water, electric and rent- Because you didn't and now we're two days late." I tell him.

"I'm sorry, okay. I don't know what to tell you." He tells her.

"Dios Mio, Reggie. Are you fucking kidding me. I literally just asked you two pay the bills and have the house clean by the time I got home and you did neither- Hell did you even feed Lady?!" She shouts. He pauses and looks at her.

"Yes- Yes I did- Actually. I don't see why you have such a problem with it. 4 years ago you said you wanted nothing else but me." He tells me.

"My priories have changed. I have a job, a house- with my name on the deed- A dog- We've dated for 4 almost 5 years Reggie- I want other things- I want to get married- Have a family- Go in vacations." She tells him tossing the glass onto the couch.

"I paid a lot of money for that glass." He warns her. She looks at me.

"I'll smash them all, Reginald." She tells him sternly.

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