Weak Link

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Stiles takes a breath, doesn’t see the disappointed frown on his face when she slowly pulls her hands from his and places them flat on the table. He watches her deep in thought for a moment before she lifts those lovely eyes back up to him – and he really hates that worried (fearful) look on her. Stiles answers him, first, with a question of her own. “Do you think the nogitsune chose me because I’m the weakest link in our pack?”

Derek blinks, slightly taken aback, though, mostly confused. “Why would you think that?”

Stiles scoffs quietly to herself, reaches over to her plate. “Well, Scott is a werewolf, and we know the nogitsune can only possess humans, and Allison was human, too, and the only other human, besides me, to perform that Druid ritual to save the town was her.” She states, tries to sound less beat and more casual.

Derek watches her shove the curly fry into her mouth, tries to focus on the issue at hand here – rather than how pretty that mouth is – keeps his eyes on hers instead. “So?” He arches a brow, smirks a little when she shoots him her usual withering look, sighs, and feels a little guilty for teasing when he still notes the dimness of her eyes. “You think you’re a weak link just because your brain works a little different from others?”

He knew that, even before she huffs and nods. He shakes his head, smiles, tells her, “You’re the smartest person I know, Stiles. You’re resourceful, you think of things no one else can – even me sometimes. You’re not easily fooled, and you don’t trust easily, but you’d still risk your life for a stranger, all the same, and those you do trust, you’re loyal to your death, I know, I’ve seen it.”

He sees her lovely amber eyes brighten with each word he speaks, smiles fondly back at her. “He chose you for all of those reasons. I don’t think you realise how possession works, Stilinski. These demonic assholes are strong, and need someone strong enough to host them.” He grins, his own eyes lighting up with amusement as he reaches over his plate and shoves a few curly fries into his mouth. “It’s like it’s your first day in Beacon Hills, or something.”

Stiles shoots him a withering glare, though, really, she’s still trying to get over his... observations of her. “I know how possession works, douche.” Her heart flutters when he simply shoots her that cheeky (handsome) grin – good God, he’s going to kill her one day! “I just...” She sighs, shoves a few more curly fries into her mouth.

Derek frowns softly. “Is that who you’ve been seeing?” He huffs quietly when she nods. “Why didn’t tell anyone?” He almost slips up, almost says “me” instead.

“Because I don’t wanna be sectioned... again.” Stiles pointedly tells him.

Derek almost lets out a little snarl at the memory. “That’s not gonna happen. You should have at least told Melissa.”

“Why?” Stiles narrows her eyes at him, folds her arms over her chest. “Because you think I need to see a doctor?” She scoffs. “That’s exactly why I didn’t tell anybody.”

No.” Derek bites out – because sometimes, she really is infuriating, and God, help him, because he still finds it sexy, and this is SO not the appropriate time right now. “Because she’s technically your mother, and you can’t keep shit like this all to yourself. Doesn’t matter if it’s real or not, what matters is you don’t have to deal with it alone. Annoyingly, you and Scott taught me that, a long time ago. Besides, I thought you told Scott everything.” He adds that last part with annoyance, the jealousy a bitter taste in his mouth, as it always is – he definitely talks to her a lot more than she talks to him, ironically, because... Stiles.

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