A Real One

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“No other DNA, just the victim’s blood. No other footprints but hers, seriously, not even a dead leaf out of place. And the only items I found lying nearby were a charm bracelet and a red sweater. Cashmere. Girl had good taste.”

Stiles knows, she goddamn knows the nogitsune is free and out there somewhere, either waiting for her, or worse. Still, she’s nothing if not thorough as always in her research and reconnaissance – even while being in a pack of supernaturals with super senses, she’s often, if not always the person they all come to for help on such matters. Which means she won’t stop until she knows for sure the trickster is gone for good this time. No trapping it. Scott’s stupid morals be damned.

“Yeah, that’s what I was afraid of. No tracks. No anything... Damn it.” Stiles admits, because it’s just further proof she really did set Him free... again.

“Well, now that I’m done with the official report – on your authorisation, I’d like to take the charm bracelet home and see if I can pick up any hints of the supernatural. Not sure which spell to use yet. There’s a few good ones that could do the trick... Or maybe I’ll just try them all... just to be thorough, of course.” Logan says, sounds rather excited by the idea.

Stiles smiles fondly at the newer spark, understands his enthusiasm and excitement, because it reminds her of herself when she first found out what she was. “Of course. Anything to help will be great. Thanks, Logie.”

“Awesome. No problem. I’ll give you a call when I’m done.”

“You sure you wanna spend the holidays cooped up in the office? I could totally get Donna to take the floor for a couple of weeks.” Stiles knows he loves his job more than anything, but she still feels a little guilty for letting him go back home alone.

“Hell no. She hates me enough as it is... stupid Karen bitch hates everyone and everything.” Logan huffs when Stiles laughs. “Besides, I’ll be back down for New Year. I don’t mind working Christmas, never really bothered to celebrate it, but New Year is a time for getting so drunk you forget your own name.”

And where you left your panties.” Stiles supplies.

Logan sighs, sounds just about done with her, but still, he’s humble enough to agree. He lets out a more exasperated sigh, mumbles out, mostly to himself, And where I left my panties... Wow, that’s actually happened more times than I can count.”

Sssllluuut.” Stiles chirps, amused grin lighting up her face as she finally hauls herself out of bed and up to get dressed.

“So?” Logan scoffs out, earning him another laugh as Stiles puts him on speakerphone and places the phone on the nightstand. “Anyway, how did your cute little breakfast date go with tall dark and delicious?”

Stiles can’t help chuckling, shakes her head as she sorts through her suitcase of clothes. “It wasn’t a date.” She tries to sound firm, unwavering. “We talked about the case, mostly...”

“You’re a good liar, Stiles, but not so much when it comes to Derbear.” Logan rather snootily states, laughs when he hears her practically sputtering for her response.

“Do NOT EVER tell him about that stupid nickname!” Stiles hisses out, glares over at her phone when her so-called friend laughs at her again.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m not THAT much of a bitchy queen, y’know?” Comes Logan’s drawl response.

Stiles takes a breath to calm herself – often wonders how she’s not asthmatic, just like Scotty used to be. “We ate and we talked. That’s it.” And of course, she doesn’t mention the blonde whore of a waitress, because she knows Logan will never let her live it down. Lydia and Allison teasing her through her teen years for her crush on Derek was quite sufficient enough for Stiles, thank you very much.

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