Regular Shift

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‘What has four legs up and four legs down?’

“A bed. Mmn, fuck.” Stiles whispers out through pants and gasps, answers his stupid riddle before she even registers that’s what she’s doing. And fuck! – now, Derek is pulling away from her, because she can’t keep her stupid mouth shut (ever!)

Oh, great – she thinks – to make things even ‘better,’ the nogitsune, she can now hear laughing his taunting stupid laugh at her.

“We can definitely take this to a bed... after. But no sex.” Derek says as he smirks up at her (and holy freaking hell! – the image of his wet face between her legs is definitely not one she’s ever going to forget.)

Stiles breathes out a weak laugh, smirks through half lidded eyes as she gazes down at him. ‘Stay the FUCK outta my head! ESPECIALLY when I’m with Derek!’ Her thoughts are a raging hiss, while she widens her smirk into a flirty grin and softly commands, “Then, be a good boy, and don’t stop until I tell you to.”

Derek doesn’t bother speaking, simply lets his head fall back down.

Stiles gasps as his lips clamp around her aching clit, her eyes instantly screwing shut as she revels in both the feeling of the wolf all around her, and the wonderful silence from the fox in her head.


“She took the rum! The rum is gone!!” Scott roars from the kitchen, can be heard huffing and banging his way around each cupboard.

‘Why is the rum always gone?’” Malia sarcastically exclaims as she flops onto her back on the couch, one arm hanging over the side of the couch with the TV controller loosely hanging from her hand as she boredly flicks through the channels.

Scott huffs and scoffs as he complains. “She drank all my fricking beer, and then, took my rum, too! Fuck sake, Stiles!”

“Who cares?” Lydia drawls out.

“There was literally only two shots left in the bottle anyway. Stiles needed a little liquid courage, so I let her take it.” Malia supplies, though, doesn’t really sound like she’s paying much attention anymore as she settles on watching one of her favourite shows – Trailer Park Boys.

Scott doesn’t answer, can simply be heard huffing as he continues to skulk (and sulk) around his kitchen.

Lydia arches a brow at Malia. “Do you know something?”

Malia slowly turns to face her, arches a brow right back, but looks less suspicious like Red, and more confused than anything else. “No...?” She narrows her then, slowly asks, “Do you know something?” And then, she’s immediately back to being confused when she only receives a withering look. “Wait – what’s happening? Are we playing a new game?”

Lydia bites back an amused chuckle when she realises Malia, in fact, knows nothing. “No. I just thought maybe Stiles spoke to you about her date tonight.”

“Oh. Yeah, she did.” Malia nods her confirmation before going back to watching Trailer Park Boys (the first episode of the series, the literal best one, in her opinion.) She chuckles at the part where Randy’s plan to pull out a gun in the hospital totally backfires.

Lydia stares incredulously at the other woman for a few moments, glares then when she realises she’s not going to get a straight answer unless she damn well asks for it. (It’s like all her friends are idiots... Stiles being the only exception – but even Stiles can be a total dimwit sometimes, too. Bless them all, God love them.)

Ahem!” Lydia clears her throat, arches a brow when Malia’s head snaps back to her.

“What?” Malia looks confused again, still mostly distracted.

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