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“I have a head and a tail that will never meet. Having too many of me is always a treat... What am I?”

“A fucking headachethat’s what you are!” Stiles roars in her “dream,” the words simultaneously ripping from her throat so angrily that she (thankfully) manages to jolt herself awake.

She does that a lot lately; yells herself awake. Mainly because she’s forced herself to choose anger over fear. But only when her exquisite sarcasm doesn’t work for her.

She hears that smug little cackle of his echoing in her mind, shivers because even when he speaks again, it almost feels like he’s standing right behind her.

“A coin... that is what we are, Stiles. Two sides of the same coin...”

Fuck, Stiles suddenly thinks, doesn’t know what’s worse – Him actually returning, or her just finally cracking and going insane. (Even more, she doesn’t know which she prefers...)

Stiles chooses to ignore the voice, kicks the covers off and stalks down the stairs and into the kitchen. She sorts through the cupboards for a mug, the sugar and a packet of hot chocolate.

Though, no matter how angry she is, she still has the curtesy to keep as quiet as possible. After all, Melissa was sweet enough to offer up Scott’s old bedroom – which was turned into a guest room, not too long after her son moved out.

Instead of putting the rather loud kettle on, Stiles pulls out a small pot, fills it with water and sets it up on the stove. She shivers at the cold tile under her bare feet – and the shorts don’t help keep her any warmer. She zips up one of Scott’s left behind hoodies, snuggles into his familiar scent. She’s no wolf, but she’s got a pretty keen nose, for a human.

(It’s why blood still sometimes makes her gag. At least she doesn’t faint anymore, though, so that’s definitely a plus.)

Stiles is, as she almost always is, lost in her ever loud and somehow chaotically organised thoughts, is staring into space for those few moments. That is, until there’s a sharp, but also somehow not too loud couple of knocks... Stiles jumps, heart racing slightly in shock. She quickly realises the sound came from the back door, quickly feels her heart racing for more pleasant reasons when she sees just who the hell is knocking on Melissa McCall’s door at stupid a.m.

Stiles quickly turns the stove off, pads quietly through the kitchen and tries to be just as quiet as she unlocks and opens the door for him. “I think this is the first time I have ever seen you knocking on a door, instead of a window.” She bites back a grin with all her might when he shoots her his infamous (and annoyingly sexy) glare. She steps aside to let him in, then shuffles back over to the stove, lets him quietly close the door behind him. “Is something wrong?” She asks, looks slightly concerned now. “Is everyone –“

He fights back a smile, feels his heart swell, because does she ever put herself first?

“Nothing’s wrong. Everyone is fine. Relax.”

Stiles scoffs, raises a brow, tone filled with sarcasm as she says, “I’m sorry, is Derek Hale seriously telling someone else to relax?”

Derek shoots her a brief withering look, though, he lets himself smile, just a little, this time. Even manages to say the words he actually wants to say without sounding totally socially inept. “Just came by to see you, that’s all.” He almost gets lost in that endearing, almost blinding smile of hers, and really doesn’t know why he ruins these moments with her by cheapening it with his crappy attempt at humour (he’s like a kid who can’t admit he has a “crush”... if only it were that simple.) “Besides, you and Lydia are literally the only two members of our cute little pack that I can almost have full blown intellectual conversations with.”

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