Light & Darkness

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“Oh, Stiles. How is she always the last to get dressed when it takes her the least amount of time out of us all to get dressed?” With a shake of her head, Melissa ponders fondly to herself upon opening the guestroom door and seeing the younger woman still sprawled out on bed, stomach down and face pressed into her pillows with soft snores emitting from her. “Jesus Christ, your snoring has gotten worse.”

As if on cue, Stiles’ snoring suddenly comes to a snorting pause. “I don’t snore.” She mumbles into her pillow, barely cracking her eyes open.

“You really do, girly. Merry Christmas, by the way.” Melissa makes a stop at the bed and leans down to press a kiss to the top of Stiles’ messy brown haired head.

“Mmhm. Merry Christmas, Mommy MewMew.” Stiles mumbles back with a small smile tugging at her lips. Her eyes slips shut, though, only for a fraction of a second this time.

Up. Scott will be here soon.” Melissa chimes before grabbing at the blankets.

“Ahh! Fuck, it’s cold!” Stiles hisses as she curls up into a ball, hugs her knees tightly to her chest and buries her face further into her pillow. “Fuck Scott.” She grumbles.

Melissa wrinkles her nose. “No, thank you. That’s my baby boy you’re talking about.”

Stiles snorts, finally lifts her head and cracks her eyes open enough to smirk. “I fear for you whenever you’re talking to Malia.”

Melissa arches a brow, but ultimately (intelligently) chooses not to ask. Instead, she smirks back smugly and asks, “So, did that shifter glamour spell work OK?”

Stiles’ smirk instantly drops, her eyes slowly widening into panic mode. “Uhhh, the wh-wh-what now?”

“The spell you used for your d-d-date with Derek.” Melissa’s smugness only keeps on growing from then on.

How did you –“ Stiles clears her throat and tries to sound as convincing as possible as she cuts herself off with, “I don’t know what you’re –“

“You left a printout of the spell on the chair over there.” Melissa finally shows mercy, points a thumb towards the chair behind her.

Stiles’ gaze follow the trail of the pointing thumb, her eyes widening as they land on the neatly folded up printout of the spell. “Damn it.” She whispers with a scowl.

Melissa chuckles.

Stiles huffs, but luckily for her, she knows Melissa is the least likely to tease her (not relentlessly anyway.) “OK.” Stiles nods, is almost mostly calm as she says, “It was awesome. The date, I mean. The spell was awesome, too, though, ‘cause I’m pretty sure Derek and I kissed in our wolf forms.” She chuckles absurdly. “Our wolf forms. You know what I mean.”

Melissa grins, nods, takes a seat next to Stiles as she slowly pulls herself to sit up. “Well, I don’t want any graphic details, but wasn’t this your third date?”

Stiles chuckles, shakes her head when Melissa wiggles her brows (and looks so much like Scotty, it makes Stiles want to hug the woman into oblivion.) “OK, but only because I can trust you not to roast the absolute shit outta me.”

Melissa chuckles, kicks her shoes off and slips under the blankets.

Stiles grins, snuggles closer to her second mother. “You said no graphic details, so, let’s just say I let both Derek and his Mr. Wolf take a visit to Stiles’ South Pole...”

Stiles flushes heavily as Melissa chuckles out a, “What?”

Stiles’ eyes widen as she actually registers then just how her words sounded. “He was HALF shifted! NOT a full wolf! And we didn’t have sex –“

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