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(A/N: okay uh... this is the first time I did one of those one-shots things so I hope this is good and stuff.... Hope you enjoy it!  :) I also hope this wasn't made too soon after the original story. This also will likely not be updated frequently since I'm working on another long story too! Watch out for it since it'll be out pretty soon! 👀)

(Mostly the same as the original story)TW: slight sort of one sided relationship thingy, Psychosis, derealization, sharp objects, "censored language," medications, violence, abuse, mental hospitals

(A/N: Sorry about all the warnings... it's about the one again again story so there's gonna be warnings for each of these one-shot things, sorry! Also I wrote most of this when I was tired so some of it may not make sense... But I hope you enjoy it still!)


"Wake up, scenty! Come on! We're here!"

I yawn and my eyes slowly flutter open. I see Charlotte leaning over me.

"We're.... At.... The.... New.... House......?" I ask slower than normal... probably because of how tired I am.

"Y- yeah." Charlotte sighs. "Come on! Just [ ]ing unbuckle and get out! We gotta see this [ ]y house!"

I unbuckle and I slowly get out of the car.

"It looks..... nice....." I look ahead of me at the one-story. I expected it way worse actually. This is most likely really-

"WHAT THE [ ] BRYCE?! THIS HOUSE IS LITERALLY [ ]!" Charlotte screams. Bryce sighs and unlocks the door and we all pile inside.

"Well.... It's bigger than the apartment...?" Bryce shrugs.

"Again, since when we're you an optimist?" Charlotte rolls her eyes- or more like eye... the other isn't able to open yet.

"Somebody here has to look at the bright side." He puts his hands on his hips. He then looks at Liam. "Oh. Sorry... uh. We needed two people to look at the bright side."

Airy then says something so quick that I can't process it. Whatever he said causes Bryce to roll his eyes.

"Fine. You can have that bedroom... on one condition." Bryce tells airy.

"What?" Airy asks.

"You help me unpack." Bryce smirks.

"Uh.... You know I can't... carry the...."

"I know. I just thought this could be a little bit of payback time."

"WHOLY [ ]! THIS BEDROOM IS ACTUALLY [ ]ING SICK!" I hear Charlotte scream throughout the house.

"This place only has 3 bedrooms... so... two of us will need to share rooms." Bryce says and almost immediately Liam rolls his wheelchair over to Bryce and tugs on his arm.

I think I'll share a room with air- "COME ON SCENTY THIS CAN BE OUR [ ]ING ROOM!" Charlotte screams.

That seems fun. But I remember when I thought I jinxed my luck. I hope nothing happens to her... but nothing really bad happened so far-

"Airy?! Hello? Aren't you gonna help me?" Bryce almost yells and I snap out of my thoughts. I look over to airy.

Wait. I don't remember him coming in the car with us...

"Airy....? Why were... you.... Car... not... you... weren't in... the...?" I ask, my thoughts jumbled so my words are as well. Bryce looks at me like I'm crazy. I probably am-

"You are. Idiot."

I shake my head to get rid of the voice and I ask again. "Why were you... airy... not in... the... car...?"

One Again Again One-Shots (COMPLETE!)Where stories live. Discover now