[o.a.a.]Charlotte - "fun facts" and designs

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I'm gonna start using o.a.a. as an acronym for one again again sometimes because i saw somebody else write it like that so yeah

 as an acronym for one again again sometimes because i saw somebody else write it like that so yeah

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Epic "facts" I guess for this au of Charlotte:

-she has paranoia. her specific kind is the belief that everyone and everything is against you. she also often feels like people are staring at her.

-she is probably aceflux in this au

-is slightly shorter than in regular hfjone, standing at 5 feet tall

-she got "mold treatment" but it actually ended up being a surgery

-she didn't do half of said surgery so she still has stitches. she refuses to return and finish the procedure, causing an infection

-she sometimes wants to go spelunking again with Parker and bring scenty along to watch

-she is the only one out of liam, Bryce, and airy who still see scenty has a major problem. she sees scenty has gotten better, but knows scenty isn't back to herself yet

-she loves scenty, but is afraid to admit it, but eventually admits it and gains a positive response from scenty

-works in a warehouse next to an epic burger

-has one(haha) functioning eye

-her time that she had- a "breakdown" as she calls it(like when Bryce saw "The Quiz" and stuff like that)- was when she didn't sleep for days. this caused her to become ill and see things. she saw good things, like talking to Parker. she also saw bad things like... the people she loved and cared for getting torn apart. but, after she finally slept, those visions stopped. but she still can't shake the feeling of people watching her and plotting against her

-there's probably more I forgot about too

I also have made a realistic-ish design (sorta inspired by the game doors because my brother made me start playing it because he knows I like creepy things) for Charlotte! It creeped me out.... Soooo.... Here it is: (warning, it's a bit creepy or something)

 Here it is: (warning, it's a bit creepy or something)

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Yea... sorry about that-
It took a bit to draw this as well

Anyways, hope you like these "fun facts!" I hope to do them with each main character in the one again again au.

And, sorry, as of now... the requests are still temporarily closed!

Hope you all are doing well!! :)

November 26, 2022

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