a very long day

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(A/N: Wha- how on earth does this book of one-shots have over 300 views?!
Thank you all so much!! :)
Also if anybody has fanart for my fanfics then please let me know and send me a link, I'd love to see it! :) If you didn't make any and you don't want to make one, that is completely fine! I expected nobody to but I saw some people's comments about fanart and I wasn't sure if they were joking or not.
Anyhow, this chapter was from the suggestion that Liam calms down airy while in the car and from the suggestion of scenty listens to the voice in her head. Also, if this is not what either of you who made the comments meant, then please let me know and I can write another one-shot containing what you meant to write, sometimes comments get misinterpreted so I'm sorry if I misinterpreted your comment!
I hope you enjoy this one-shot thingy, despite it being all over the place!
Hope you have an amazing day/night! Also, I was very tired when I was writing this so I didn't check for any spelling or grammar errors... so there will probably be many of those...)

TW: medications, death(thankfully no characters died), rodents(mice, rats, etc), knives   (A/N: very odd warnings, I know, but I happen to know a few people who are extremely disgusted or who are disturbed by certain things, so that's why my warnings are very detailed.)

No one's pov:

It was like magic.

One night Airy was crying and upset and the next morning he was as.... Apathetic and detached as usual.

Liam found this odd. He had never even saw the note airy promised to leave, after all.

"You... okay... Liam...?" Scenty asks the backpack to which he nods.

"I'm fine, really. It's just that... Airy woke up last night and I tried to calm him down. Actually... he woke ME up last night and I tried to calm him down." Liam explains. "I'm... not sure if anything I said even registered in his brain." He looks across the room to Airy who was sitting at the kitchen table, staring off into space.

It then clicked for Liam, he was living in a house of negative people.

A psychopath and a person who will- without a doubt- punch the lights out of somebody. And a apathetic person who put everyone into pure torture and a person who'll be screaming their head off at any little thing.

Why did everyone have to change?

Liam didn't exactly hate change, but he didn't like it either.

"Yeah.... I do... like.... That...." Scenty mumbles beside Liam, most likely talking to the voice in her head again. "...Are you... sure...?" Silence. "Okay...." She mumbles before she stands.

"What are you doing?" Liam asks her, still scared from when she almost killed him... again.

"Food." Scenty mumbles as she takes a knife out of the kitchen drawer and puts it inside a satchel she had on. She had a new thing of keeping a bag on her at all times so she doesn't forget the things she wants to carry.

"Alright everyone! We're going out again!" Bryce yells throughout the house. "Liam! I found your journal. It was in Airy's room for some reason." He walks out and then hands the journal to a confused Liam. "Alright, now let's move!"

Liam's POV:

Going into the car is still... a struggle to say the least.

I hop onto the seat and I scramble out of my wheelchair. Finally, I manage to pull myself onto the seat and I sigh with relief... only to realize I'm in the back.

Guess I was spacing out, huh...

"Oops. I got in the back by mistake... ahah!" I laugh nervously, moving to hop back on my wheelchair.

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