bits and parts

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(A/N: WAIT IS THAT A DHMIS REFERENCE I SMELL IN THE TITLE?! /hj   Anyway, I got two requests which were 'airy goes in a car' and 'amelia gets her glass fixed' and I decided to put the two ideas into ONE part! Sorry if this is kinda lazily written and if the characters are sorta out of character, I'm tired and I'm super excited to work on a bfb au so I also I added some characters from bfb into this- ANYWAYS- hope you enjoy this weird one-shot thing! :) have an amazing day/night! And if you all have more requests for the one again again characters then I can try and do those too! It may not come out as quick though because I have so many stories I'm working on... but I'll update this collections of one-shots too, just not as often as I would like. :(  But I hope you have an amazing day/night! :)  )


"And... what's.... That.... Day... for...?" I slowly ask as I point to the next day on the calendar.

"And that one looks like it's for an appointment to fix your glass!" Monika smiles. She's telling me all the things on the calendar everyday so I don't get confused.

"But... I don't... wanna...." I whine. "I... I like my... my glass... how it... is..."

"I know, but you have to get it fixed before it gets worse... an open cut like this can easily get worse!" Monika sighs. "So that day is today, you know we were going through the days on the calendar backward... right?"

"Oh... whoops..." I smile slightly at my mistake but I then hide it.

"No! Don't hide that smile! It's a good thing to be able to laugh at your mistakes!"

"Real.... Really...?"

"Yeah! And you know what? I think you're getting better! Sure, it may take a while to go fully back to how you were, but you're better than when you first moved to the new house!" Monika smiles warmly. "Remember that?"

I smile again. "Yeah... that was scary... but fun afterward with Char... Char... Charlotte..."

"Hey, I have to go, but next time... next time let's try talking a bit less slow, alright?"

"Okay..." my smile fades as I wave bye to Monika as she smiles and walks out the door.


"Scenty? You've been standing there since Monika left. Can you get ready? We're all going together to get your glass fixed." Charlotte says from across the room. She didn't want to be near me recently and I don't know why...

I really like her... I don't know why she doesn't like me...

"Scenty? Come on... don't have another episode on me-"

"Okay... I'll... get ready...." I mumble. "What do I... need...?" I look directly at her and she freezes.

"I- I- I- I-" She stutters then clears her throat. "I mean, you only really need to bring yourself... Bryce has the money and stuff and-"

"I'M DOING IT!" Liam excitedly yells across the house before a loud thud is heard. "I'm not doing it..." he grumbles.

"You'll get it soon, Liam! But now we have to take scenty to get her glass fixed." Bryce walks around the corner, just now coming into view. "Come on, Liam... hurry up!"

"I'm TRYING to get back into my *grunt* chair! Thanks for not catching me when I fell while walking, dumba-"

"WHILE walking? Liam, you fell on your face once you took two steps- that is NOT walking." Bryce hides a smirk. "But we've gotta get scenty to that glass repair shop."

"Do I... HAVE to... go...?" Airy mumbles from another room. The walls here are pretty thin so noise gets around... which can be either good or bad.

"Yes, airy. I don't trust ANY of you to stay here alone. Charlotte's gonna punch somebody, Scenty's gonna kill somebody, you're gonna get punched, Liam's gonna get killed..." Bryce sighs. "It just isn't realistic to leave Charlotte, Liam, and Airy alone in a room- or even house- since SOMEBODY'S gonna get hurt."

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