one again again

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Liam's pov in the first part was from a request where someone else from the first batch(charlie and/or Taylor) or batch 2 and/or 3 shows up at liam/Charlotte/scenty/airy/Bryce's porch of their house.
Scenty's pov in the second part is for the "wrap-up" of one again again


Liam pov:


Huh? Who could this be?

I roll my wheelchair out of the bedroom that Bryce and I share and then down the hall. I reach the front door.


"I'M HERE!" I shout as I open the door. "Look, if you're selling anything I don't want it-"

"Oh! We're not selling anything! We just came to say hi!" A young female voice answers.

"Hi!" A child's voice giggles.

Who could this be...?

I look up and my eyes widen. "Hold on... You're- You're Magazine and Tomato from the game...!"

"Yep! That's us!" The tall magazine smiles. Wait- S- SHE'S TALLER THAN ME?! "I'm Taylor! This is Charlie!" She lifts up the 5-year-old... mental math. Tomato- Charlie. Charlie is probably around 5 years old.

"Oh! Hello!" I wave, smiling. "Hi Charlie! My name is Liam!" I look at the kid and he looks at me with interest.

"I think I knows you!" He exclaims before his eyes widen. So... he somehow remembers me from one- "TAHLAH!!! PUT ME DOWN!!!" He whines, mispronouncing Taylor's name. Yea... No. guess he doesn't remember me after all.

Just then, I begin to feel a little panicked. "W- wait. How did you get my address?" I ask them.

"Well, I really wanted to find you guys and make sure you all were alright after one happened twice to us. And so I searched up your name!" Taylor explains. "And Charlie's family and mine somehow both moved to near the same place.. and it's somehow near here so... what a coincidence!! Am I right?"

"Yeah..." I rub my head. This all seems so unreal... almost as if this is something that would happen in some random, wacky dream. "Um.. I'm sorry to cut this visit short, but I should probably get some rest. I think the lack of sleep is getting to me." Which was sort of true, I had been sleeping less and less recently because of an alarming sense of unknown dread that seemed to increase daily within the past week.

I wonder what that could could be about?

"Oh... alright." Taylor sighs. "Well... I hope we'll see you around...!" She turns on her heel and picks up Charlie. The two then walk away and I close the door, sighing.

Maybe I'll go rest.

I lock the door, then rolling me wheelchair back into Bryce's room. I then climb out of the wheelchair and onto the bed. But my eyes won't close.. I feel like something bad is about to happen soon.

Very soon.

Maybe even-

TW: depersonalization(a/n: time for me to have an amazing o.a.a. scenty kinnie Moment!/hj), scars, drugs/medication, hallucinations, memory loss, mentions of surgery/hospitals and death (a/n: yeah- sorry bout that.. but you see, Bryce has a flashback and-)

Months... years... yeah. 4 years since one happened... again... again! Already!

And that means.. around 2 years since that thing happened! The time Charlotte and Airy both had enough.

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