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"Paimon is hungry! Can Paimon have some food? Pretty please..!" Paimon's shrill voice cut through Lumine's head, intensifying the headache she had developed a few hours prior.

"Mmm, not now Paimon. We can go to Good Hunter's when I wake up." Lumine's head throbbed with every word she tried to say. Paimon huffed.

"Fine! But you owe Paimon!"

Lumine rolled over in her small, dirty tent. She was camping out in Mondstadt, on the beach where she had first woken up. She could hear Paimon flying around outside the tent, anxiously waiting for Lumine to wake up.

Finally, after barely five minutes, Lumine decided that she couldn't possibly fall asleep with a headache this bad. She sat up, and as the blood rushed to her head, she winced silently.
With an unparalleled swiftness, she rolled up her blanket, folded her tent, and pushed them into her little personal void- a quirk of being an inter-dimensional traveler, she thinks. Paimon was still pacing next to her, whining about how she was hungry. Lumine opened her mouth to answer Paimon's shrill pleads for sustenance, but is met with unbearable burning. She reeled over in a coughing fit, before finally catching her breath. The sand she kicked up definitely wasn't helping. Paimon had stopped rambling about food, and was now staring at Lumine with a strange look.

"Paimon can wait if you're sick! Paimon isn't that hungry..!" She shrilled, in her ever high-pitched voice.

Lumine shook her head, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "No, no, it's alright," she scanned the area, closing her eyes to let her advanced elemental awareness take hold. She didn't sense any danger, save for the small hilichurl camp up the far right cliff. Lumine opened her mouth again to day something. "We can go now. Just, be careful for the-" and then she was keeled over again, coughing so hard tears started streaming down her face, hitting the sand as if it was just rain. She regained her composure once more.
"As I was saying, just be careful for the hilichurl camp to the upper right."

Paimon nodded vigorously. "Yuppers! Paimon's got it. But, Lumine, are you sure you're-"
"Yeah, Paimon. I'm ok. Let's just go get some food." Lumine cut her off sharply.

Paimon huffed again, but finally let it go as they set down on the ever-worn dirt trail. Lumine padded silently next to Paimon, hands gently swaying at her sides. Paimon floated along her and hummed a familiar tune that she couldn't quite place. But she was positive she had heard it before, not in Mondstadt, or Liyue, but maybe when she-
her thoughts were cut short by a shrill scream from ahead on the path. On instinct, Lumine took off towards it, stumbling in the dirt and almost falling an embarrassing amount of times. Paimon zipped after her, her strange little cloak swaying in the wind as the constellations moved throughout the not-fabric.
Lumine approached the area cautiously, carefully ducking behind trees and bushes in case there was an ambush in place. Mondstadt was one of Lumine's only safe havens in Teyvat, but she still had to be careful, because last time she wasn't careful in an unfamiliar world.. she shook her head gently. Paimon zipped along, saw Lumine had stopped to hide briefly, and took it as her que to disappear into .. whatever it was she disappeared into.

Lumine stood up. The screaming had stopped, but she still jogged in the direction. Quickly, she found what she was looking for.

An undetected hilichurl camp. But not just any hilichurl camp.
This one had mitachurls.

She threw herself at the mitachurl, drawing her sword out of the strange little abyss-pocket she keeps it in. She takes the shield down quickly, only narrowly dodging an arrow from a hilichurl archer.

A familiar figure stood in a crappily-made wooden cage, watching her in awe as she took down the mitachurl, the archer, and the other two hilichurls. She ran to the cage, swiftly cutting off the rusty lock, and opening the door to let a very frazzled looking Bennett step out. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, having realized he had just needed someone to save him again.

I think we'll be ok (lumine centric)Where stories live. Discover now