Ruin Guard

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Vega rolled into the dirt and gritted her teeth. Gods, tree roots do not make for a nice pillow.

She thought about just laying there for a while, but an earth shattering explosion flung her high into the air.

Still a bit dizzy from the fall, Vega stalled slightly before leaping high into the air. She had her sword unsheathed and ready for battle. The force from the explosion had flung her so high, in fact, that she was able to land on a lower branch of the giant trees. She hastily found cover as she glanced around for her enemy.


A ruin guard.

But not a regular ruin guard, no. That would be far too easy.

It was fucking huge.

Like, probably just a little ways from being taller than the trees.

The trees which were hundreds of meters tall.

"How in the ever living fu-" Vega dove out of the way as missiles launched towards her perch, knocking her off and onto the ground.

"HOW DID I NOT NOTICE YOU BEFORE!?" Vega whisper-shouted at herself.

What the hell do you even do with a giant ruin guard? In an arena full of harbingers? Surely she had given off her location. Perhaps a harbinger had actually managed to build this thing, and they were now waiting for her demise together.

It didn't matter. Vega needed to either kill the thing or get out of there now.

She flung herself forwards, narrowly avoiding the ruin guard's massive foot. Charging her attack with a flurry of Cryo, she drove her sword deep into the mechanism.

It bounced off.

"What the he-" Vega leaped back as the ruin guard launched missiles directly at her, causing her to fly backwards, vault off a tree, and land on the ruin guard's lower arm.

It shook her off furiously, and she nearly slipped. The metal was slippery and she didn't have much to hold onto. Eventually Vega swung up to the arm joint.

Suddenly, she saw an opening.

Of course. The metal plates around the joints opened and closed with the movement of the machine, forming a weak point.

The ruin guard shook furiously and began twirling. At this point, it had knocked down many trees, despite the root system going deep into the earth.

As one more tree fell, it created a domino effect, knocking other huge trees down as her blade clashed against the ruin guard's metal frame. She wedged her sword in between the plates of the elbow, dragging down with all her strength. The sound of metal on metal, the heat from the sparks, the deafening crash of the ruin guard's feet on the ground.

Vega continued prying, before she got momentum out of nowhere- she sliced the metal clean, and the ruin guard's lower arm fell off.

Vega had no time to celebrate her slight victory before she had to dive behind a fallen tree. The thing seemed to know her next move, though, and swiped at the ground before her.

She slid backwards at the motion, getting the wind knocked out of her as she was flung against a tree at record speeds.

She nearly blacked out. She felt like she couldn't catch her breath, like she would be better off just giving up and letting the thing kill her.

She would not allow herself to die like that. What would the Fatui think? She put so much work into training, she wasn't going to lose to an oversized tin can.

She grunted and winced as she tried to move her right arm.


She broke it. When, she doesn't know- but there are many moments in which she could have guessed.

Vega bit her lip and switched to her left hand. Good thing she's able to fight with both, she thinks.

"Hey!" She screamed at the ruin guard.

"I'm not... I'm not done with you!"

The ruin guard barely had time to think- think?- before it got a sword driven into its core. Vega pooled her energy, her strength, every element she could think of and channeled it into her sword.

The core shattered, and the light sputtered out. The world spun and spun as the core smoked and fizzled, causing the ruin guard to fall to the ground in pieces.

Unfortunately, killing a massive ruin guard is not easy.

Vega didn't exactly have the energy to catch herself when she fell off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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