Home in Mond

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---"Home In Mondstadt": Part One---

The rescue team had struggled so much trying to get Paimon to follow them back to camp.

"But- But no! Lumine is alive! Paimon knows it! Why won't you listen to Paimon!?" She had stomped her feet mid-air.

Amber was on the verge of tears. Kaeya hadn't said anything. Barbara had gone up ahead with Rosaria; the poor kid couldn't stand to be out one more day.

Amber choked back a cry.
"Please, Paimon. We can't search forever. Please. This is hard enough." And through Paimon's fit, Kaeya had gently grabbed one of Paimon's tiny hands, and said under his breath, "Come on. Please."
Nobody said anything as they traveled towards Monstadt. They stopped for one night, to camp out, and continued. Paimon didn't say anything.

Soon, they arrived at the city gates. The knights at the gates only nodded solemnly as they walked past.

Back at headquarters, they were sent to rest. Jean had told them tiredly, "You can't do a report on no energy."

Perhaps that was true; perhaps she was doing something else.
Something like messaging Master Diluc.

Once Jean was sure that everyone was asleep, or at least in their own rooms, she carefully slipped out into a back alley. She pulled her jacket on tighter as the cool wind hit her like a freight train.

In the dark of night, she carefully stepped up each step, and went to the alley near the church. As promised, Master Diluc was there.
But instead of any kind of note, or information, or conversation, he just stood there.

Eventually, he said, "There's no trace of her. You have to call off the search."

Jean gritted her teeth. "No, she's out there, I know it! She saved Mondstadt, for archon's sake! We'll find her. Calling off the search is out of the question."

"You know how much I hate the Fatui. If there was any sign she was alive, we would find it. We have to let go."

And words that weren't said, but were still shared, immediately made it all make sense in Diluc's head.

Calling off the search not only admits defeat to the Fatui, but it tells them that Mondsadt was weakened.

And also? Lumine would be left alone, should she still be alive.

But what? Keep the search going? That would show that they were desperate, needy, and dependent on a mere traveler.

The Fatui have plotted this somewhat flawlessly; not only taking one of Monstadt's most treasured representatives, but also weakening it extremely in the process. With Monstadt weakened, and Lumine dead, the Fatui had everything in order to try a full scale invasion.

A very risky plan; but if pulled off correctly, quite logical.

"So what? We plan her funeral? We let them get away with this so easily!?" Jean whisper-shouted. She was tired, and stressed, and her perfect composer was fading.

Diluc turned away.
"Yes." He said, beginning to leave.

"Are you really going to let another loved one die to the Fatui!? Were those two years for nothing!?" Jean reached out for Diluc.

Diluc stopped.

"Master Diluc, I didn't mean-"

"Leave." Master Diluc opened the door to the tavern, leaving Jean in the dark, cool alley alone.

Jean took a moment to compose herself.
I am Acting Grandmaster Jean. I am in Mondstadt. I am behind the tavern.

She took a deep breath. She hadn't had such a panic attack in months; and Lisa had always soothed her. But now Lisa was back at the Favonius HQ, and she was alone. Still, she made her legs move, and walked all the way back. All she remembered was warm, strong arms holding her tightly, and tucking her into bed, the familiar scent of Lisa's perfume on her mind as she fell asleep.

---"Home In Mondstadt": Part Two---

Official Report Title (ORT): Rescue Mission for Lumine.
Knights involved: Outrider Amber, Cavalry Captain Kaeya Alberich
Church members involved: Head Healer Barbara, Sister Rosaria
Other(s): Paimon

Jean passed out papers and quills to each of the members of the rescue team.
"Please write every detail you can remember. I know this has been very stressful for you all, so you have my utmost gratitude." Her eyes lingered on Barbara.

"Because the search has been rendered.. Inconclusive.. We must discuss what would be best to continue with."

They all knew what that meant. An inconclusive search was a failed one. Kidnappings were by no means common; but if a child got lost, and they couldn't find them after seven days, they would be declared dead or declared a missing persons case for the rest of history (depending on the parent's wishes).

Of course, Mondstadt was a tight knit community. The knights knew Lumine like a sister.
The civilians regarded Lumine as a hero and a friend. She always stayed very close to all of them, despite traveling to Inazuma and Liyue.

And Lumine had no parents to decide; she had nobody but Paimon. Well, Paimon, and Lumine's brother. The very same brother who eluded her search, and the very same one who Lumine had died not knowing the whereabouts of.

All that filled the room was the quiet sound of inky quills scrawling against parchment. When they were finished, they passed the papers around, all signing off on each other's reports.

Jean collected them, not meeting anyones eyes, not noticing Lisa's eyes following her from the corner of the room.

"Thank you all for your services. Meeting dismissed. Let the wind lead."

The scraping of chairs filled the room as Amber rushed out, Kaeya moved lethargically, and Barbara and Rosaria quietly yet quickly ran out. Paimon hadn't been seen since they got back to Mondstadt.

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