Summer Re-Ranking

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"Vega." Arlecchino nodded when she entered the icy room. They all wore thick coats and scarves, and she was the shortest harbinger (despite being 5'6). From what she gathered, the Fatui harbingers never often had meetings. They all ran different sectors, and thus did not need each other's support. But with the Summer Re-rankings, and her new presence as a harbinger, it was only fair to meet each of the other harbingers.

Nine harbingers, including Vega, stood around an icy table in the underground of the Zapolyarny palace. Nobody said a thing. When Pierro, better known as The Jester, walked in, everybody bowed their heads in acknowledgment. He raised his hand and they all looked back up. His face was unreadable.

"As you are all aware, the annual Fatui harbinger summer re-rankings are very soon. Train hard. Our current placements are reflected in the sectors we lead and our ability to travel in or out of certain nations with ease, as well the as our overall strength. The Tsaritsa is very interested to see our progress this year. Scaramouche will not be participating this year. Our current rankings are withheld and as such: I am in first rank. The rankings descending are as follows. Arlecchino. Columbina. II Dottore. Pulcinella. Scaramouche. II Capitano. Pantalone. Sandrone. Tartaglia. Innamorati is unplaced until these re-rankings occur. Dismissed."

And thus, everybody filed out, no words spoken.

Vega decided to train. What else could she do; the harbingers had not been assigned anything by the Tsaritsa. Not her, anyway. Nobody trusts her. Though, Arlecchino and Tartaglia seem to resent her ever so slightly less than anybody else.

Vega's training was quite simple; kill everything in sight. The Harbingers only ever got better by fighting each other, but still, none of them ever did without prompt. Vega flew through the air, launching herself at the three ruin guards. Swiftly, she slashed them with her sword, pulling on her Cryo vision to form an extension of the blade, and the Electro vision to electrocute her foe. In less than 30 seconds, they were all down, unmoving

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