Capture (Part Two)

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"Paimon found Lumine, and she was really, really hurt, and she was all cold and scraped up and Paimon tried really, really hard but-" Paimon sobbed quietly at the knight.

Kaeya stared at her quizzically. "Paimon. It's fine. She'll be fine. What ever the Fatui need her for, they need her alive. We'll find her."

"But Paimon saw she was so, so sick, even worse than before, and she was pale and her voice was raspy and she didn't have her dress on-"

"She didn't have her dress on? Paimon, where was it you saw her?" Amber asked Paimon. Paimon immediately snapped up.

"Right! Paimon will show you. C'mon, we gotta help her, we gotta find her and make her all better.." Paimon began zipping away. The search party- a team comprised of Kaeya, Amber, Rosaria, and Barbara- ran after her.

Paimon stopped at the bottom of a hill and turned to face the stony wall that was the cliff above her.

Rosaria caught up to her first. "Pixie. That's a wall. If she's as hurt as you say she is, we can't be messin around."

Paimon stomped her foot mid-air. "Paimon KNOWS there was a window around here somewhere. It was really small, and close to the ground, and the glass was all cracked and foggy- but that's how Paimon found her, by flying through the window!" By then, the others had caught up.

"Listen, Pixie-"
"Paimon is Paimon!"
"Fine. Listen, Paymon, look for the window. And quickly. We're losing daylight."
Paimon scrambled off in frustration, moving around and trying to find the window she had found only a little while prior.

As she did, Amber hoisted the heavy tent bag off her shoulder and began putting up the tent they would be sharing. Kaeya stood there for a moment, before Rosaria flicked him on the back of the neck, earning an "OW, WHAT THE FUCK ROSARIA" and a small laugh from Amber (which quickly faded into a "Don't swear around kids..!")

"Listen, Kaeya, we have things to do. You go help Paimon with the impossible window search. I'll set up a camp fire. Then we'll make a game plan for tomorrow."

Kaeya nodded, still rubbing the back of his neck, as he jogged to where Paimon was now digging through various tufts of tall grass. "Need a hand?" He asked, pushing the tall grass aside for the tiny fairy.
"Hmph. Thank you, Kaeya. Wait, can you look for something? Like, a hatch or a door or a button or a lever or-" Paimon stopped and stared at Kaeya.

"Yup. Sure. Done." Kaeya awkwardly walked away, half-heartedly searching for a switch that would make all of their troubles in end.

Just as the last sliver of light wavered away, he saw a silver glint of silver in the tallest blades of grass. "Hey Paimon, come here. Can you see anything down there? I've only got one working eye, y'know?"

Paimon hustled over, digging through the grass. "OWCH!" Paimon shrieked. "What happened? Are you OK?"
"Paimon is fine! Paimon got cut on some glass.." Paimon pouted.

"Paimon. Glass. You found glass."
Paimon registered what he was saying, and they both began picking apart the grass as quickly as possible without getting cut. Eventually, they got to ... something.

"It's... a rock. A pretty big rock, too. How'd glass get here?" Paimon said, her voice now deflated.

Kaeya nearly missed it, but by the light of his cryo vision, he saw that the dirt around the rock was disturbed. He scraped his hands trying to yank it up, and only after Paimon helped did they succeed. Underneath the rock was a tiny window, with very foggy brown glass. Paimon stared at it. Kaeya began trying to open it when Paimon grabbed his arm.

"We don't know if it's safe! We have to wait. Until morning. Which is in a long time. Long enough for a sick person to die.." Her voice trailed off.

Kaeya put the rock back, and slowly tried re-poofing the crushed grass. Now, the only light they had was the campfire and his vision. Paimon floated alongside him as they walked back towards the campsite, where Barbara and Amber were eating (with Rosaria at the fire, cooking.)

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