Ch. 17 - You're not Whitebeard (Part 5)

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I can't believe I haven't updated this story since April, April!!!! Dear god, I'm sorry for everyone following the story. Time goes so fast!


The Spades were settled quickly into the crew, each member finding their own division they fit in and helping wherever it was needed. It was at least one of Marco's worries taken care of. He had feared the crew was going to be as insane as the captain and besides wreaking havoc, would be freeloaders all around. But to his small luck it appeared he had been wrong, not about them being sane but well can't have everything in life, but about them freeloading and being a bother. They each helped with tasks that he expects they probably fulfilled when on the Piece of Spadille.

Now it was just the captain that was the main part of his headaches.... and why, why was he the main target?????? Everyone keeps telling him that he's just imagining it, but he's definitely not! He can't even sleep in peace and he's heard no other commander complain about this yet!

It was just like that first time.... Just a week after the Spades had joined....



With a heavy sigh he finished up the last of his paperwork and put it aside. Getting up from his chair, he raised his arms above his head, stretching out his muscles and back, a pop resonating throughout the room. ... ... Glancing up, he scanned the ceiling... he swore he heard the ceiling call him an old man just now....

Maybe he shouldn't be working this late on his paperwork, even as a Phoenix it made him go crazy. With a shake of the head, he started undressing at a leisurely pace and got dressed in his pj's. He however opted out of his shirt last moment and instead used it to wipe over his chest and forehead, "man, didn't realise it was this hot in here before-yoi."

Throwing the shirt aside he crawled into bed and blew out the candle on his nightstand before turning over.


Someone was definitely watching him... The back of his mind kept screaming at him of a presence nearby, but at the same time also said there was no danger? The presence also hadn't moved since he had noticed it, now already an hour ago.

Deciding to blow his own cover of knowing someone was... well somewhere... he opened his eyes and raised his hand, lightning it on fire and illuminating the whole room in a blue hue.

"I know you're out there-yoi. .... It's safer for you if you just show yourself."

Of course there was no reaction, he'll find them himself then. He squinted his eyes as he scanned every corner of his room, ever nook and cranny, every single floorboard, moving up over his walls and every piece of furniture, raising his gaze higher and higher as he found no-....

"Get out."


"I know you're there.... eyes reflect light you know..."


"God fucking damnit Ace, closing them now is no use, I know you're in my fucking ceiling! WHY ARE YOU IN MY FUCKING CEILING?!"

"... Watching you."

If he wasn't his perfectly stoic self, who didn't just yell at the kid in his ceiling, he would have dropped his mouth open to stare at the kid. Instead he stayed reasonable, as he always is.

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