Ch. 20 - SHINY!!! (Part 4)

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Marco is speaking in a very bird like way I think in this haha. Maybe phoenix takes over more then he thinks/knows.

Shiny update! Not the longest, but I hope those that asked for it are happy with this for now! Thank you very much for reading!

Warmth, it was so warm and cosy here. He cooed in delight, rubbing against the nice heat as his eyes were still closed. He felt a blanket over him which already explained a bit, but the warmth also came from under and... next to him. Nuzzling his head against the heat source he smiled or well smiled in his mind, he doesn't know what kind of source it is, under him was soft to sit on and a lower heat, while his head was rubbing against something harder and with small bumps, heat also seeming to be a bit hotter.

The only thing bothering him was something that was wrapped around his body and went around his wing. It was itchy and annoying. So whatever it was, he was taking it off. Blindly he moved his head, nuzzling under the blanket to peck at whatever was confining hi-

"Ah- birdy no, don't peck that"

He froze as a weight landed on his back together with the sweet voice of his to be mate. Blinking he opened his eyes, with the light from his own flames seeing that there were bandages around him. He slowly pulled his head back from underneath the blanket and looked towards where the voice came from.

Mentally he gasped, while physically he crooned in delight seeing his handsome mate right in front of him and so close. He instantly surged forward to snuggle against his love, ignoring the sting in his side.

The laugh that followed only made him happier inside, the vibrations feeling h- feeling? He felt the vibrations against what he was nuzzling. His bumpy heating source. Swallowing he opened the eyes he had unknowingly closed and –Freckles, there are freckles and skin right in front of him-, some sort of stuttered bird noises left him as he slowly raised his gaze, finding more and more beautiful freckles then he ever thought he would fi- – a ni- a nipple, HE SAW- HE'S SEEING A NIPPLE – good gracious his mate was already naked! He didn't expect things to go this fast but well... if his mate wanted it, who was he to deny...

As much as a bird could clear his throat, he cleared it, planning on singing a small agreeance when there was another laugh and a hand patted his head, "I'm so glad to see that you're already birdy!"

A stunning smile was directed his way and he made to stand up to get closer, only for his leg to slip into a hole of some sorts and fall down. At least he was cushioned by his mate's torso, he would fall into this whenever he could, even if it wasn't a soft fall.

"A-ah, I'm sorry, birdy."

Why was he apologizing? His talon was squeezed by something before he was lifted up out of the hole.

"You slipped between my thighs, should keep them together as long as you're on me."

-Was this heaven? Did he die? He's on his mate, his warm mate that's naked and warming him. Patting him. His talon got squeezed by thighs. He's found the hidden freckled patched. All his life's missions are comple--

He trilled in question before it changed to a happy one as he was pressed against the raven's chest in a tight but careful hold.

"Let's get you to Deuce so he can check you. You had a bullet wound, birdy. What happened to you?"

Not replying, not like he could, he let himself be carried to wherever his mate wanted to take him, melting into the heat. His mate was perfect. Beautiful, handsome, had freckles, was warm and even had fire, everything he could wish for. Oh, he also had a shiny necklace that was his... but... he'll not take it from his mate if he liked it. Need to keep his mate happy. He'll gift it! Yes... he'll gift the red beads.

He hadn't even realised they had met up with said Deuce until someone suddenly tried to take him. Cawing he pecked towards the colder hands grasping him.

"Aw, what the hell bird! Don't peck me!"

The blue haired person tried again even if he had fluffed up his flames to make himself intimidating and was hissing. So instead of warning pecks, he went in for a real one and nicked the ugly hands.

"Stupid bi-"

"Don't insult birdy."

!!!! His mate defended him!!!!! A happy chirp left him, replacing his hissing as he nuzzled the other's cheek, stretching his neck to do so.

Deuce looked with a raised eyebrow at the scene. The bird had looked like he wanted to murder him, yet he was nuzzling to his captain, said captain smiling and laughing at it, as if they've known each other for years. That... was a bit unfair...

"I treated you.... How grateful you ar- did you just snort at me!?"

Ace cocked his head, lightly pushing the birds head down again so he could speak without being tickled, "Snort? I didn't?"

"Not you dumbas- AW AWAW don't fucking peck me!" Deuce jumped back when he got attacked, "geezes, the bird hates me."

How dare this lowly human insult his mate! His mate is smart, the smartest and cutest mate out there! He has to be because he's his mate and his mate is the best mate!

In his own rambling, he once again didn't notice they moved. The others having figured out he wasn't going to be carried by anyone else than the raven. Which duh, he's a mighty phoenix, only his mate may carry him.

They had tried to put him on a cold bed, but he fought back until the raven sat down again and took him in his lap. Only to please him did he allow the blue haired person to touch him and raise his wings, checking over the bandages.

"hmm, everything looks good. I'll change the bandages every morning and evening and put some ointment on." Deuce said as he took off his gloves, "If the bird looks to be in pain" -even if the stupid things maybe deserved it a bit for biting me!- "you can let me know and I'll mix some herbs for....", trailing off Deuce stared at the bird with a strange look, slowly reaching to put his gloves back on. "Hold the bird still, Ace."

"Huh? What are you going to do, Deuce."

"I'm just going to check his gender. I'm not an expert, so I can't judge it by his plumage or whatever, hell I don't even know what kind of bird this is. But... I did read the orientation of the cloaca was different between male and females."

Marco froze, this man wasn't going to!

"Cloaca? What's that?"

"Hmm, don't worry about it, captain. Just hold him and I'll be done in a moment."

Marco stood up in the hold as much as he could before his mate tightened his grip and held him still as gloved hands came closer. No-no no no nno no!


He slumped down in his mate's hold, letting himself be pat. Violated, he was violated! He swore the blue haired human was laughing as he explained to the other that he was a male. He didn't need to check, his mate would have known his gender without checking, stupid blue haired person. He'll get him for this. Once he's free of these bandages he'll lift him with his talons and drop him in the ocean.

"It's okay birdy. You're okay." Ace smiled lightly as he patted the firebird, rewarding him by heating up a bit, he knew the bird liked the heat by now. "You're a good birdy."

"Good birdy" Deuce snorted. "Get him some food now he's up, there should be some fruits left, but we'll need to dock somewhere for fresh ones unless he can eat fish."

Ace nodded at it and got up, "Thank you, Deuce.". After a small wave from his doctor Ace made his way over to the kitchen, lightly kissing the bird's head as he walked. "After I find you some food, I'll figure out a place for you to sleep. Maybe I can make a little nest in my room for you, it's always the warmest place on the ship, and you like the heat, don't you, birdy?"

He chuckled at the small coos leaving the being in his arms, he was so cute!  He would enjoy the time this bird was aboard, maybe he could even tame him and adopt him!

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