Ch. 35 - Buns

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For bakachwaan!!

After stopping at an island and having re-stocked, the crew was free to do as they wished. Since both Thatch and Ace had off from their duties, they decided to roam the streets together to see what the island had to offer. The chef spotting something nice after having walked around a bit.

"Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn, look at those buns!!!!!" Thatch whistled as a lady with a very very nice set of buttocks passed them.

The raven who was walking next to the other looked over in the direction Thatch was looking and sounded impressed, "huh, they are some nice buns indeed."

Thatch blinked before crying out, "I knew my little brother would get there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"What?" Ace made a confused face before shrugging at Thatch's antics, "do you want some? I got some money left, I know you spend yours already."

"You- you would get me those buns?" The chef asked with wide eyes, he was already impressed that Ace had seen that the woman was a worker, the boy so innocent he never realised but now he noticed AND offered to pay for some time together for them!?

"Yea, you're my favori- second favourite brother, ofcours I will get you some."

"Why did I get bumped to second- no wait never mind! You're the best!!!" He smiled and promptly kissed Ace's cheek, "I'll be waiting in my roooooom!!!!"

"Wait, I'll just buy them now- and he's off...... Why is he leaving when I said Iim buying him buns????" Once more he shrugged, his brother was weird sometimes.

With dedication he walked into the direction of the buns, "Excuse me.".

"Yes, handsome?"

"Can I-"

"You can do everything to me if you have the means."

Ace blinked at the woman's words but nodded, "Thank you." he took hold of the woman's shoulders and moved her a step aside so he could pass her. Once moved he walked further and into the small bakery that had been behind her.

"Goodafternoon." he greeted the one behind the counter, "Could I have those buns from in the windowsill please!!"

"Ofcourse! You're right on time as I just put a new batch out, let me grab you some fresh ones. How many would you like?"

Putting a hand to his chin he hummed before taking his coin pouch and putting it on the counter, getting out the few of his coins he had left. "How many can I get with this?"

Moving over the baker counted over the coins quickly, "9 buns, but since you're Whitebeard's commander, I'll throw in another one to make it 10."

"Wha- sir, you really don't need to."

"I insist, you guys have protected us for years and there's always plenty of you that come to my little shop to buy things when you make landfall here."

"Alright," Ace smiled, "10 buns then please."

"Coming right up!" the other smiled and put the coins in the register before grabbing a paper bag and flicked 10 buns in with some tongs. Folding the opening over a few times the bag was held out and taken. "Thank you very much, please enjoy them."

"We will! Thank you very much!" Ace bowed deeply before going out, weaving passed the woman outside with a big smile on his face as he held his bag of buns. He may or may not have taken one out to eat himself on the way back. Hey, Thatch wouldn't know!

On that note, "Thatch will be so happy!" Ace giggled as he got to the boarding plank of the boat, "not one but 7 buns for him to eat!" okay he may have taken more then one bun on the way back, but they were so good!

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