Ch.11 - Thatch to the rescue! (Valentine's Day special)

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Tomorrow was Valentine's Day, Ace had wanted to make a small surprise, make Marco's favourite dessert.

So how... how is there more dessert covering the cabinets than he has left in his bowl!He needs help... specifically some professional chef's help to save him.....


 Ace and Marco are together, but the main focus of this story is Ace's and Thatch's friendship!

Ace was staring at the mess in front of him, trying to think of how this had happened. All the cabinets were smeared in chocolate, specs of beaten, and not beaten-up, egg whites in between and dripping down the kitchen island. He himself was covered in the substance, as well as sugar sticking to it all. The only thing he had wanted to do was make a surprise for Marco, but everything failed and now he is dirty and almost crying and it all resulted into nothing. How did this all happen!?

Tomorrow it was valentine's day and they would officially be together for two years now, Marco having asked him out on their valentine's date... two years ago.

It was Sunday today, normally Marco would have been home, but due to a lot of sick staff, some kind of virus going around or something at the workplace, he had been asked to work today too. It wasn't fun, with Marco always working long shifts at the hospital, and with Ace finally working on opening his own glasssmith, they were both extremely busy and only had the weekend to really spend time together. It's not that they didn't see each other in the evenings or something, but both were always extremely tired so it was often a take-away dinner, maybe a quick cuddle on the couch if it wasn't too late, and then they quickly made for the comfort of their bed to literally only sleep to survive the next day.

So, while not fun, it was actually pretty convenient today since it now gave Ace the time to prepare at least something small for tomorrow. While Ace could give himself a free day from work on valentine's day, it was useless since Marco himself had to work, which the man himself was pretty sad about, but well people don't just not get injured on valentine's day sadly... Marco even said the amount of people coming into the emergency room increased the 14th, most being for ..... unknown object stuck in... well... let's say places where those things should never have been close too in the first place.

Ace would never have been able to keep a straight face if someone came in with that, bonus points for Marco on that.

Either way, what was I saying the beginning? Ah yes, everything is now a mess of too many different ingredients splattered everywhere and he didn't know what to do. He was out of options, he had already tried again from scratch and it somehow failed in almost the last step, he didn't have the time, or the ingredients, to keep trying again. Marco also would be home eventually and even if he knew the man wouldn't be mad at him, hell, he was sure he would probably kiss Ace for his efforts before thanking him and even helping him clean. It isn't what he wanted Marco to spend his evening on. No, he was doing this to thank Marco for everything and celebrate being together for another year.

He was really starting to freak out, holding back tears, he just wanted to surprise his lover. He's always so nice to him and does so much and Ace just .... he just makes a mess! He only had one more option...... if this didn't work, he would certainly be found by his lover as a crying mess on the kitchen floor still covered in chocolate, egg and sugar once he got home.
He didn't want to have to resort to this.... his last resort also having had a busy day yesterday with it being so close to valentine's day, and tomorrow would probably be hell for him too being the actual day of love........ he needed his rest..... but Ace really didn't know what else to do. With this in mind he took his phone and called his best friend.

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