Ch. 30 - Would you love me if I was a worm?

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"Neh, Marco?"


"Would you love me if I was a worm?"

"Excuse me-yoi???"


If you come from 'Are you immortal?', which can be read in the series 'everlasting ember', this takes place a couple of days after the events from that story! But you don't need to read the other story to be able to read this one or the next one. (third part name and series unknown for now)


"Would you love me if I was a worm?"

"Excuse me-yoi?" Marco turned from looking at his paperwork to his boyfriend that was laying on his back. Looking adorable as ever as he laid belly down, legs kicking in the air and freckled cheeks resting on his hands as he looked to him.

"Would you love me if I was a worm?"

"..." Is this some kind of new trend for young couples? He knew Ace read those magazines and followed gossip more than him, so he sometimes wasn't in on the loop. What was the good reply for this? Should he say yes? Or is that wrong and will he insinuate Ace is no better than a worm?


"... Does... Does the worm have freckles?"

Ace blinked slowly, "Yes? Maybe? Is that important?"

"I love your freckles."

He laughed a little at that, "okay, my worm form has freckles. Will you love me then?"

"I'll love you so much that I'll build you your own personal garden in the room to dig in."

"Oh Marcooooo!" Ace blushed, pushing his face into the sheets.

By the fiery sparks and quickly kicking legs in the air, Marco knew he had giving the right answer and was glad for that. Still, what a weird thing to ask. "I'm going to need to be careful that Phoenix won't eat you though."

"Phoenix would eat me????"

"Well, he does love worms." and laughed at Ace's horrified face, "What? Not like we haven't eaten you ye- sorry sorry" he dodged the fireball that was thrown at him and stood up, moving to sit at the edge of the bed, leaning down to kiss the raven briefly.

"So, what's this all about?"


"The worm thing-yoi. Is it a new trend?"

Humming the raven rolled onto his back, looking up at the ceiling, "I've just been thinking."

"You've been thinking a lot lately-oof!" okay, okay, he deserved that hit very much.

"Stupid Marco. Yes, I've been thinking, again!" and huffed glaring at him for a moment and back at the ceiling, raising a hand before him, slowly opening and closing it. "There's a lot of devil fruits out there. Weird ones. When I was doing research I found some that had the ability to change the appearance of others. I was thinking... What if we ever crossed one and I was hit. Would Marco still love me if I wasn't... me. Like I am now."

"Ofcourse I would."

"You say that. But what if I really became a worm. Or some other silly creature. Then I would be a turn-off."

"Ace-yoi. Look at me. Please."

When the head turned he put a hand on his cheek, rubbing a thumb over freckled he loved so much. "I love you for you, Ace. Yes, I find you hella attractive and you're the hottest person I know. Figuratively and literally." he added in with a chuckle, "But even if you appearances changes, if you were to loose there beautiful freckles, I would still love you with whole my heart. You're still my Ace. My mate."

"But..." barely a whisper came from the one laying down, a hand joining over Marco's bigger one, "What if I'm not human anymore."

"I will admit... Depending on what you are. It will be difficult to have a relationship like this. If you became a worm. We won't be able to talk like this. I won't be able to cares your cheek or hold you hand. But-" he smiled softly, rubbing under Ace's moist eye, "I'll do my best to show my love in other ways."

"Huh, but?"

"If you can't speak, then I'll be the one speaking for both of us-yoi. I'll tell you every day how much I love you and you can just wiggle back in reply." he smiled at the thought himself a little, "And when we can't hold hands, I'll hold you. I'll hold you in my hand and cuddle you gently. Let you sleep on my chest when we go to bed. Sit on my shoulder when we take a walk on the beach. Maybe Izou can sew a special pocket seat onto my shoulder or on my chest that worm you could sit in."

"... That- you would look so stupid. Carrying a worm with you."

"Then I look stupid. But I would love my worm every day."

"Stupid." Ace murmured, turning on his side to hug around Marco's waist. "I love you." he spoke into the fabric, not pulling away to even speak clearly.

"I love you too-yoi. Worm or not. You're my mate for life and I wouldn't want it any other way." 


The enclosure Marco would make for his worm boyfriend.

The enclosure Marco would make for his worm boyfriend

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