Ch. 15 - Hairless Love?

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I have no summary for this... This is a crack fic, kind of. That simply came into existence becouse i saw a fanart of Thatch and Marco. Thatch had a hairy chest, i realised a lot of people draw him hairy (i blame the voluminous pompadour, gives the impression of healthy hair follicles) yet... Marco's chest is always smooth. So... He must shave it... Right?

"So...." Izou started, stirring his drink as he watched the flaming duo that was definitely not making out next to him. "Remind me how you two got together again?"

"Marco asked me out. I said yes." Ace stated as a matter of fact after separating himself from the blond who's lap he's sitting on.

A sigh left the geisha, "yes, that would be a very logical step in the process Ace, thank you very much. But what were the steps before?"

"Steps before?"

"We've always loved each other-yoi. Natural attraction, and then I asked him out."

"hmm, after months of pining I assume?"

"Don't bullshit me, Marco. I'm happy for you two, don't get me wrong, but you guys were simply best friends. No pining. No flirty looks. No dates. And then after breakfast one morning you're suddenly the cutest couple on the whole ship! And I want to know how! What happened, what changed?????"

Ace scratched his neck, cheeks growing pink, "well.... there may have been one event that influenced us... a lot."

"I guess.... you may be right-yoi..."

While he had been the one asking, Izou actually never expected an answer, the duo always seemed to avoid it, so naturally he was at the edge of his seat in an instant. "Tell me all about it."

Reaching out a hand, Ace seemed to touch Marco's heart, the blond's hand instantly moving to lay on top of it, "I guess it started with..."


A few months ago, in the mess hall of a famous whale shaped ship.

"whrmhs mrhaco?"

"Gods Ace, please, swallow before you speak, no one needs to see every single breakfast item in one go."

Like the gentleman he is, the raven did swallow, a bulge moving down his throat the proof.

"You could have chewed more first, you barbarian."

"Where's Marco?" He ignored the insult, very used to hearing so it was nothing special.

"Probably working on paperwork."

"But it's breakfast."

"Yea? Since when has that stopped him?" - "You know how he is, Ace."

"But... did he even come to get his coffee?"

The other glanced around the table if anyone knew, Ace did have a point. Their local turkey did come and get a cup of coffee every morning, even when he skipped breakfast.

"He didn't. His thermos I make for him was still in the kitchen when I checked, which was like 5 minutes ago before I came to eat. And, that can't be called coffee anymore, it's more like sugar with a dressing of coffee."

"He didn't come?" the second commander sounded the tiniest bit worried for his friend, "I'll bring it to him!" Jumping up he ran to the kitchen to retrieve Marco's drink. He could bring it, and check on his wellbeing.

"Ace! Don't you enter my kitch-...."

"You really need to be faster than that, Thatch-dear, that kid literally propels himself forward with fire."

"As long as he doesn't break or steal anything, we're g-"


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