Chapter Twenty Four.

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Subin Pov.

When Namjoon held my waist and helped me in the car, I couldn't help but wish it was Seonghwa.

I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I can't help who I fall in love with.

My lips still tingled, my heart still raced, the butterflies in my tummy where still roaming free.

“ Baby. Are you okay?" Namjoon asked snapping me out of my thoughts, while placing his hand on my thigh.

I snapped my head towards him and forced a smile. “ Yes, I'm okay"

He nodded his head and kept his eyes on the road.

I question suddenly came to my mind. “ Joon, why were you taking so long to get your keys?"

I could feel his hand twitch on my thigh. He gave me a lopsided smile. “ Oh- uh one of the waiters took it to the lost and found so I-I had to wait for them to get it for me"

Why didn't I believe that story.

“ Oh-okay"

The rest of the drive was silent and kind of awkward.

Soon we pulled up my driveway.

Namjoon turned the car off and turned to me.

“ Goodnight,baby" he muttered.

“ Goodnight Joon" just as I thought he was leaning in to kiss my lips, he left a cold peck on my cheek.

He gave me a small smile and faced forward. What?

I don't know why I sort of felt happy that he didn't kiss me on my lips.

I glanced at him one more time before getting out.

I walked over to my door and turned to Namjoon. He just looked at me and drove off.

I opened the door to see Jungkook and Dahyun watching a movie.

When the door closed they both turned to me with smile lingering on their lips.

“ Binnie, how was it?" Jungkook spoke up.

“ It was okay. Um I'm gonna go take a shower and then go to bed, so Goodnight!"

“ Goodnight" the couple said in Union.

I made me way to my room, and took a quick shower.

After showering I laid down on my bed and took my phone.

It was currently 21:36pm.

I sighed and switched my phone of and got under the covers.

Soon sleep started to take over my body, but the universe had other plans.

My started ringing.

I groaned and and screamed in my pillow. Why always when I wanna sleep?!

I took my phone from my night stand and look at the ID caller.


I shot up from my bed and swiped on my phone on the green call icon to answer the phone.

“ Hello?"  I said.

“ Love~" I heard his voice whisper through the phone.

I could feel my heart beat increase by every moving second.

“ I miss you already!" Seonghwa cooed, it's like I could hear him pouting.

I giggled shyly at his cuteness. “ I miss you too Hwa"

He groaned loudly.

“ Even your voice is turning me on!" Seonghwa complained.

“ You're so random I swear" I replied to his weird ass statement.

“ I need to see you" He said, I could hear ruffling sounds in the background.

“ Yeah, I'm seeing you next week at campus" I said feeling confused.

“ Oh no love, I need to see you now" he said.

“ What no, it's so late" I said falling on my bed.

“ To late Love" I could hear him starting his car .

“ Seonghwa no~" I said, groaning.

“ Love, I'm already on my way, might aswell get ready" I could practically hear him smirking.

“ Fine! You are so impossible!" I said getting up from the comfort of my bed.

He chuckled on the other side of the phone. Gosh that deep voice!!!

“ I'm almost there okay, see you soon. I love you"

I stopped moving. I couldn't help but smile widely.

I love you too "

“ I'm happy for that" He chuckled.

“ Bye~" I sang out.

“ Bye~" He said, coping my voice.

I ended the call and slipped into some sweat pants and hoodie.

* Beep Beep*

I heard his car hoot from outside.

I ran downstairs passing Jungkook and Dahyun without saying anything and ran outside to see Seonghwa waiting for me while leaning against his car.

I stood there admiring him.

He suddenly opened his arms wide and smile painted across his lips, that mirrored mine.

I ran into his arms as he engulfed me in a big hug.

We pulled away and placed our lips against each other's. Sharing a sweet kiss.

“ I love you" he spoke against my lips.

“ I love you too " I muttered against his.

“ I love you more~" Seonghwa cooed and pecked my lips a few times.

Soon we pulled away and Seonghwa helped me in the car.

Such a gentleman.

He got in after me and started the engine.

“ Just know when we get to my house, love...

I'm gonna fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk"


Finally the description to my story has arrived!!

Please vote!!

There's only a few more chapters left 😭...

The struggle I had to publish this chapter, Wattpad is glitching!?

Words: 852.

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