Birthday Surprise?

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I slowly opened my eyes to see Tony half smiling at me which caused me to giggle and smile back.
"Hey.. Happy Birthday Baby" he whispered and kissed my forehead.
I weakly smiled because I was half asleep but soon enough my eyes became wide.
"My birthday" I laughed jumping out of bed before realizing I'm wearing only shorts and a bra but I didn't care. I was now smiling really big with my teeth not knowing what to wear but I was still rummaging through my closet for something perfect!
After 5 minutes I started complaining:
"ugh I seriously have nothing to wear.. nothing perfect... nothing birthday material" I giggled but was frustrated. As I was about to give up I felt arms wrap around my waist and then a kiss on my neck sending the butterflies in my stomach wild and started to blush because I wasn't fully dressed.
I turned around and Antonio looked into my eyes with a small smile.
"I have something for you"
He whispered walking to the bed and grabbed a box with a blue ribbon wrapped around it from under the bed.
I slowly walked to the bed grabbing the first baggy T-shirt I could find around the room and sat down as he handed me the gift and smiled, waiting for me to open it. I gave him a hug and began removing the ribbon. I took a deep breath and removed the lid from the box to find a beautiful strapless Navy blue dress with Navy blue flats and a necklace that has an infinity sign and Diamond earings. I gasped and stared at the outfit that seems like it cost a fortune. I smiled and gave Antonio a long hug. He giggled.
"Do you like it..?"
"I love it" I whispered before bringing the box into the bathroom and changed into it. When I stepped out Tony was in black jeans while putting on a nice shirt. He turned around and went wide eyed causing me to blush.
"You look.. amazing" he smiled and walked over to me and gave me a kiss before taking my hand and leading me down stairs.
My father ran up to me and gave me a bear hug.
"My girl is growing up" he laughed letting me go.
"How old are you now?" Sam questioned after giving me a short hug.
"17" I smiled then straightened my dress from the hugs.
"We have things for you" Dad sat me down on a chair and told everyone to get there things and they did, leaving me and Tony in the kitchen.
after minute or two the door bell rang and Tony went to get it.
I heard mumbling but couldn't make out the words.
"Tony who is it??" I shouted and waited for an answer but all I heard was a crash causing me to jump up and run to the front door to see Tony with clenched fist and an angered expression. I held his arm and looked at him with pleading eyes which made him loosen up a little. I looked out the door to see the reason why he was acting like that. Ryan was there now wiping blood from his nose.
"Where the hell have you been" I shouted.
"How did you even find us"

"Carlie told me.." he shouted back.  I turned to Tony with wide eyes and my mouth wide open before shaking my head and turning back to Ryan.
"Shes Alive? Where is she!?"
long silence.
"TELL ME NOW RYAN" I screamed at the top of my lungs with tears rolling down my cheeks. Tony took my arm and pulled me to him.
"calm down, we'll find out everything." he said to me before picking up Ryan and throwing him over his shoulder before carrying him into the house and throwing him into a chair making Bobby, Dean, and Sam stare in confusion.
"Was that necessary" Ryan scoffed trying to stand but he couldn't. I looked at Tony confused but Tony was giving Ryan a hard stare and I could tell it was him who was the cause of Ryan not being able to move. I gulped and looked at Ryan.
"This can go the hard way or easy way and you don't want to know the hard way. Now Tell Us." I demanded.

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