The One Who Gripped You Tight

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~Antonios POV~

  Dean and I talked for hours about how I made the deal and he seemed to be in shock. Once I heard a car pull in, I quickly ran outside and grabbed Heathers hand pulling her into the living room. She stared at dean in shock with her mouth wide open. "hey pumpkin" dean weakly smiled.

~Heathers POV~

I saw him.. My father, it was impossible but he was right in front of my eyes.  I didn't believe it, not any of it. I pulled out my knife and lunged towards Dean.. Or who ever he was, making him fall to the ground as I sat on top of him with the blade about an inch away from his eye.

"what the hell did you do to my father!" I screamed in his face

Tony grabbed my arms and pulled them back.  I struggled to get back at the bitch who's acting as my father, I  was tossing and turning trying to get out of his grip and accidently stabbed Antonio in the leg, he let go and dropped to the floor as I flung myself back at dean and pushed him to the wall.

"FUCK HEATHER HE IS YOUR FATHER" Tony yelled in anger then hissed from the pain which I haven't heard in a while making me quietly whimper.

"h-how" I ask still having Dean to the wall. 

"crossroad demon" Tony mumbled causing me turn and stare at him worried.

"what was that.. " I asked hoping I didn't hear what I thought I did

" I said crossroad demon,  Heather" he said more clearly and winced from the pain in his leg. 

I looked back at dean before walking over to Tony and healing him but as soon as I was done I slapped him. 

"what the fuck" he rubbed his cheek and gave me a serious look which I wasn't used to but I didn't care at the moment.

"how many years.. " I asked choking up

" wha-"Tony started but I cut him off

"HOW MANY FUCKING YEARS" I I raised my voice starting to cry.

"10" he sighed and I sat down covering my face with both my Hands and started sobbing.. It's all my fault. 

Dean stayed on the other side of the room not knowing what to do or say but he just looked at me.. I knew he wanted to comfort me but didn't know how I would react.. Soon enough castiel appeared. 

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN CAS" Tony yelled but cas didn't answer. He looked up at dean.

"Im the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition..." his voice cracked and we all looked at him confused. Dean winced in pain before pulling up his sleeve and seeing a huge scar The shape of a hand print and Cas walked up matching it perfectly with his and stepped back.

"no.. I made a deal with the crossroad demon" Tony explained.

"she sold it to me, if Crowley found out she gave a deal to Heather Winchester's boyfriend, she would've been dead.. Unfortunately she kept some of your years, only 5" cas explained.  Tony stood up with anger in his eyes.

"WHAT YOU LET HER KEEP 5 YEARS!?!  WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!!!" tony was now in castiels face but cas didn't move nor flinch which  I could tell only made Tony angrier.

"she wouldn't of brought Dean back and Heather would've left if I didn't, it was either ten and Heather leaves or five and she stays" cas says very seriously

Tony rubs his forehead and growls.

"I have rebelled and I did it for you" cas continued. 

"YOU DIDNT EVER TRY TO FIGHT FOR MY LIFE DID YOU?!" Tony started screaming again so I got up and held his hands and looked up at him with sad eyes trying to calm him down. 

"I serve heaven, not man, and I certainly don't serve you" was castiels last words before he left.

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