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At Theerapanyakul

Monday morning

"Vegas wake up you are late for school"
Mom you have pampered him too much kinn complained to his mom.

"Awww kinn when u were in high school u were not even attending the first class and would go to second class just because u overslept"

"Mom don't bring that up now🙄. I have changed now as u can see i am all ready for my meeting" kinn said sulking to his mom

Hearing the conversation vegas came out of his room and hugged his mom said "p'kinn don't be jealous if u want to be pampered u have to be smart and handsome like me"

Hearing that kinn just rolled his eyes. "Vegas just because i am late for my meeting i am letting you go".

"Phi byee have a good day get out fast"

"Vegas don't tease your phi. And get ready for your school".

After that vegas also went to his room to get ready to go to his school. And kinn went to attend his meeting.

At Sumettikul

"P'porsche please come out fast i am gonna be late for my class"

"Pete your school starts at 9. It's still 7:30 there will be no one this early "

Phi u know that this is my first day please don't mess with me. I am already nervous. Pete pouted saying that

Awwwwwww my little brother is sooo cute. Ok i will no tease u but do u really need to go to school. I can arrange which ever teacher u want.

I was always been homeschooled until now. As My family was super protective of me as i was the first omega in their family. But i wanted to go to highschool as a normal teenager. And wanted to have friends and enjoy. It was really hard to convice my parents but even harder to convince my brother. But finally they were convinced.

Phi please.

Fine pete but your class only has omega students and teachers. And u will not meet any alpha. No outings. Driver will pick u up from the school.

Phiiiiii. Pete made cute face making his doey eyes beg for his freedom in front of his phii.

Pete if u want to go to high school u should follow my rules isn't it mummy papa. Porsche said being serious

Pete it's for ur safety we are already scared pete u should follow your brother's order. Listening to it pete just fell on the sofa sulking.

Pete now don't sulk. And give ur brother his daily energy. Porsche went near pete trying to hug pete. But pete was angry and didn't hug his phi

Pete pleasee naa pleaseee. Hearing his brother beg pete gave in and hugged his brother smiling showing off his dimple.

Umm now i feel energetic. Thank you my cute brother.

Phi enough get ready and take me to school. Other wise i am going alone

Okay sir.

At school

Pol "Vegas do u know that there is an new omega coming to our school".

"I don't care anyways they always end up coming to me to beg me to be their alpha".

"Then why don't u try dating rather than just sleeping around".

I don't like serious relationship. I am not stupid enough to fall in love. And act foolish around them. And ask for their attention.

(A/n just wait until u see Pete vegas u are gonna fall so hard for him.)

"Hii i am ur desk mate Arm".

Hii i am pete nice to meet you.

Oh! You are the new omega. you are more cute than what people thought. Hearing this pete was shocked.

Huh why were they thinking about me. Pete asked genuinely confused.

Oh pete ur from one of the richest family here every alpha wants to meet you. And every omega is jealous of you.

Pete asked concerned "Do u also hate me".

"Aww pete no not at all how can i hate an person this cutee. It was just what others were thinking".

Pete was happy hearing that at least he was able to talk to one person today. It was a great start.

Hii this is my first fanfic i u like it vote for it. And tell me ur thoughts on the story🤗🤗

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