Season 1 - Ep 6: Infiltrate

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The episode begins in a lair. We see a man holding a gun.

 We see a man holding a gun

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Chris Redfield

Chris is walking and investigating the place, until he see a trophy. He revives the trophy.

 He revives the trophy

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Chris: Hey, are you ok, buddy?

Abe: *shakes his head positivily*

Then, Abe saw someone behind Chris.

Abe: *points behind Chris*

Chris turn around and saw...


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Chris shoots Goro, but he didn't die and throw Chris away. Abe tries to attack him, but no sucess. Chris is about to punch Goro again but Goro throw Chris again. While, he was distracted, Abe holds him by the back, but he attacks Abe again.

While, another guy shoots Goro and turns into a trophy.

While, another guy shoots Goro and turns into a trophy

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Doom Slayer

An Oni is about to attack him, but a woman cuts him.

An Oni is about to attack him, but a woman cuts him

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Doom Slayer: Thanks.

Akame: You're welcome.

Chris and Abe saw Doom Slayer and Akame.

Chris: Did get rid of him?

Doom Slayer: Yes.

Akame: Now let's get out of here.

Abe: *do 👍 sign*

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I just Don't have any ideas, but hold On! There 2 Episodes left!)

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