Season 3: Fate Trailer

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"Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The trailer begins with Ravenna walking to Dr. Eggman and see a lot of trophies.

Ravenna: Everything is according to the plan?

Dr. Eggman: Yes, majesty! We got a lot of people!

Ravenna: Hmm... That's good.

Ravenna opens a lot of Universal Portals.

Ravenna: Time for some fun.

Ravenna's Black Aura is going to the portals.

Ravenna: *smiles* We're going to continue. We'll not stop.

We Are now in the Station Square, that Sonic's group and two Lego guys are fixing.

We see now a arena with a man in his throne and five trophies in cages.

We Are now in the Heaven & Hell, with a woman guarding the place and three birds flying.

We Are now in a swamp with a Ogre.

We Are now in a Dollhouse, with a girl with a Psycho face cooking.

We Are now in a Medieval Fortress with three Swordsmen.

We Are now in a Locomotive Station.

Mario's group were just walking around through the desert until they saw the sky turning black.

FranceHuman: Wait, wha-

Ladybug have her YoYo armed. Cap. Roblox and Scarlet Witch is in their fight poses. Mario is in his fight pose and saw a dark clone of him forming.

 Mario is in his fight pose and saw a dark clone of him forming

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(A/N: Credit: Fnatirfanmario on DeviantArt)

Mario: Wait what!?

Other dark clones were appearing.

Were now in the Station Square, and it's a disaster again. A lot of Universal Portals in the dark sky and a lot of people fighting.

Sonic saw the entire disaster.

Sonic: Woah! This can't be good!

Beyoncé: This is a... Complete disaster.

Episode 1: Outworld

Mario is fighting against the Dark Mario clone, Scarlet Witch is holding a Marvel Hero dark clone, Ladybug and Cat Noir is fighting a DC hero dark clone, the man in his throne starts attacking with his hammer.

Episode 2: Great Mighty Poo

The Ogre is fighting against the Poo, two Minecraftians (a regular one and a YouTuber) is fighting against the Dark Clones, Donkey Kong is punching someone.

Episode 3: On The Loose

Luigi is running in the Dollhouse, because of the Psycho girl, Tails and a sponge are fighting some Dark Clones, a video-game addicted boy, with his 8-Bit sword attacks a dinosaur.

Episode 4: Ponyville Railway

Two ponies (a good one and a bad one) were fighting each other, a car is diverting the Dark Auras, and a Engine is fighting against a Dark Clone.

Episode 5: Heaven & Hell

A very strong man is fighting Mephiles, the woman, a angel, a knight based on a Zodiac Animal, and three birds were fighting their Dark Clones.

Episode 6: Hogwarts Legacy

A wizard is fighting against his enemy, the three Swordsmen were fighting against their Dark Clones, a bear & bird were fighting two sibilings.

Episode 7: League of Genshin

Five characters are fighting against their clones, four LOL champions are diverting the Dark Aura, and a another LOL champion is being corrupted.

Episode 8: City Invasion

The Dark Aura is making the sky black, Sonic fuses with Shadow, and Ravenna is watching the destruction and smiling.

The Dark Aura is making the sky black, Sonic fuses with Shadow, and Ravenna is watching the destruction and smiling

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The trailer ends with Gaia giving a white flower to two graves of her Parents and crying.

Coming Soon...

(A/N: Aaaaaaand... Done! Hope you enjoyed! Actually, me are making this season and MiguelMontaez8 is giving me ideas, if you Want me to put your suggestions in my story, follow me and DM me in Wattpad, or contact me on my Discord: niagarafalls#1878)

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