That's it, I'm done

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I'm no longer continuing this project.
If you ask why, it's because I got bored with it.
And it became, to me, a obligation rather than a personal pleasure.
I have other things in my life that I appreciate and I enjoy doing it.
This project is not a example of those things anymore.
But my friendships made on this platform are not going to be over.
I will still be on Wattpad, but focusing on other projects that I want to make.
I will be no longer (so far) making fanfics, but yes, poetry.
I think it's very interesting to do and maybe here I can post some poems I will create.
But don't expect they will come out so early.
I will post them whenever I want to.
So if you are one of those who read Gaming All-Stars, thank you for reading it, but sadly for those readers who only want to read this fanfic, sorry to tell you but there's no more chapters.
However this book will stay on the platform, however uncompleted.
I hope you understand and respect my decisions.
Thank you, and may God guide you all.

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