Season 2 - Ep 4: Rescued

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The episode begins at the Ice Peak. We see a Fallen Airwing. Then, we see two persons.

Ice Climbers (Popo & Nana)

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Ice Climbers (Popo & Nana)

Popo: Wait, is that a Airwing?

Nana: I think so...

The two decided to check the Airwing. The Airwing is broken, on fire and we see a trophy.

Popo: Let me revide it.

Popo revide the trophy and it's...

Popo revide the trophy and it's

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Fox: Woah, what Happened...


Fox And Falco were inside their Airwings heading straight to the Death Egg, but Ravenna cutted them and they fell away.

*End of Flashback*

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