Season 3 - Ep 1: Outworld

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The Episode begins at the Death Egg. We see Ravenna coming to Eggman. We also see a lot of trophies.

Ravenna: How is It going?

Dr. Eggman: According to the plan!

Ravenna: Good. It's Time to make the attack, but I'm gonna to test in some Universes, cause I don't to make in all Universes yet, because or else, my plan will not go as planned.

Dr. Eggman: Hmm...

She opens seven portals.

She uses her Dark Aura to these Portals and then, closes them

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She uses her Dark Aura to these Portals and then, closes them.

Ravenna: And also, you remember the Station Square attack?

Dr. Eggman: Yes, why?

Ravenna open a portal.

Ravenna: It's not done, yet.

She enters...

At the desert, Mario's group is walking around to find Ravenna.

Everything was going well, until they saw the sky turing Black.

Mario: Wait-

The group saw the sky turing Black.

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