Season 2 - Ep 6: The Chainsaw Man

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The episode begins at a Graveyard. We see a lot of Zombies (From Minecraft, Plants VS Zombies, Resident Evil, Dead Rising) and a creature.

 We see a lot of Zombies (From Minecraft, Plants VS Zombies, Resident Evil, Dead Rising) and a creature

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Pyramid Head

Pyramid Head, with his giant knife, pointed the zombies to go into a city, the Zombies follow his orders. Meanwhile, there's a girl, with a hand on her shoulder, looking to the Pyramid Head and the Zombies.

(A/N: Which I'm not Going to reveal the girl, but I think you guys already know who she is.)

At Los Perdidos, we see Pyramid Head with his Zombie Army. We see two men confronting the creature and the army.

 We see two men confronting the creature and the army

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Frank West

Frank West

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