Season 2 - Ep 1: Stranded

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The episode begins at Paris, in the Eiffel Tower. We see a portal.

The Mario Trophy was thrown away

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The Mario Trophy was thrown away. A CountryBall saw the trophy.

 A CountryBall saw the trophy

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FranceBall: What is this?

He hides himself and the trophy so no can see.

FranceBall revives Mario, but he's not wake.

FranceBall: Hey, are you okay?

Mario then shakes himself on the floor with the eyes closed.

Mario: Grrr...

FranceBall: HEY ARE YOU OKAY!?

Mario then see visions of Gaia's throne room. There's a lot of Universal Portals. Ravenna entered inside and she speak the spell.

Ravenna: Στο μάτι που βλέπει τα πάντα, δώσε μου τη δύναμή του. Τα Σύμπαντα που θα κατακτήσω, όπως ξέρω.

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